Origin Story- Obi-Wan Kenobi

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I pushed my way through the crowded market, holding my basket tight to my chest

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I pushed my way through the crowded market, holding my basket tight to my chest. It wasn't uncommon for thieves to snatch items from unsuspecting people in the market. Most of the thieves were children or slaves that didn't have the means to feed themselves, and for that reason, I couldn't blame them for stealing.

I finally arrived at the market stall and set the basket down on the counter. "Here's the fabric I promised, Mr. Zanwes." I looked up to meet the Devaronian male's cold gaze. He tilted his horned head and opened up the basket, taking a brief look before slamming the lid shut with a thud. The sound made me jump.

"Everything is in order." I spoke quickly in an attempt to salvage the situation. "The thread count is exact, the fabric type and pattern is what you asked for, and it's all neatly folded." I gave a nervous smile to the intimidating man.

Before I could say more, the basket was being shoved into my hands.

"Do it again," the demon-like man growled. "People want good quality, soft shirts. Does that look of good quality to you?"

I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes. This was the third time he had done this. Nothing I made was ever good enough and I was running out of wool for the season. I had other customers to provide for. If he didn't pay so well, I wouldn't put up with this behavior.

"When someone's is speaking to you, you make eye contact," Zanwes scolded. He took a step back and crossed his arms over his overweight chest.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by another voice.

"What seems to be the problem here?"

I turned my gaze to meet the speaker. He couldn't have been much older than me but I had never seen him before. Newcomers were rare on this planet unless they were slaves. I was fortunate enough to be a free woman. Well, free as one could be living in poverty on Tatooine.

"Get lost," Zanwes grumbled. "This is between me and the girl."

The newcomer released a soft sigh and spoke in an accent I had never heard before. "The girl is a dear friend of mine, and she worked very hard to make those shirts for you." His tone was cool, as if speaking to a friend. "They are lovely and I suggest you take them and give her the proper payment."

A glazed look passed over the Devaronian's eyes. "I'll... give her the proper payment." His voice sounded unsure and far off. He slowly turned and disappeared into the back of the stall. When he returned, he had a small coin bag in hand and he tossed it to me without another word. The glazed look hadn't left his eyes.

"Th-thank you," I stammered, quickly slipping the bag of coins into the pocket of my skirt. A gentle hand landed on my shoulder and guided me away from the market stall.

"Well, he didn't seem too friendly," the stranger commented with a look of amusement on his face.

I stared at the bearded man in wonder. "How did you do that?" I couldn't stand up to Zanwes much less convince him to give me a payment without complaints.

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