Soulmates- Din Djarin Pt.3 (final part)

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Strap in because this a long one

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Strap in because this a long one


After we safely escaped the asteroid belt, leaving our pursuers in the dust, I had excused myself. I stumbled down the ladder of the Razor Crest and hurried into the washroom. I barely had time to close the door and lock it before kneeling over the toilet and vomiting.

What little food I had eaten that day went down the toilet. Groaning, I flushed, washed my hands and rinsed the taste of vomit from my mouth, and then exited the bathroom. Nights spent dreaming of space exploration felt silly now. I obviously wasn't built for it.

Mando however seemed unfazed by the fast flying. I pulled back my sleeve and looked at my wrist. The small half moon shaped tattoo stared back at me mockingly. I had considered removing it a dozen times after Mando left my shop that night. If he didn't want me, then I might as well remove all memory of him from my body. But every time I had picked up the laser to do the procedure, something made me put it back down.

I quickly covered the mark and returned to the cockpit. Mando was right where I left him, only Grogu was now sitting in his lap, looking surprisingly comfortable despite all the beskar.

"Are you okay?" Mando asked as i settled back down into my seat.

I probably should've remained downstairs and left him alone. He seemed like a person who enjoyed solitude. But I couldn't resist watching the stars as we passed through hyperspace. It was beautiful.

"I'm fine," I said, forcing smile.

"Things got a little rough back there. Flying can be hard unless you're used to it," he replied.

I appreciated how understanding he was but that made it even harder for me to dislike him. "How much farther until we reach Nevarro?" I asked.

"Six hours as long as we don't run into trouble," he answered.

I nodded in response. I had six hours left before I would likely never seen him again. I tried to tell myself that it was for the better but a pit formed in my stomach at the very thought.

"You must be tired. You should get some rest," Mando said. "You can use my bed."

While the thought of sleep was tempting, I didn't want to spend my last few hours with my soulmate, sleeping. I shook my head quickly. "No thanks. I'll stay here, if that's okay."

We settled into a comfortable silence. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about telling him. It must've crossed my mind a thousand times during the remainder of our trip. I just couldn't find a good enough way to put in into words, so I didn't. The six hours went by way too fast.

At some point I must've drifted off in my chair because I woke up to Mando hovering over me, shaking my arm slightly to wake me up.

"We're here," he announced.

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