Soulmates Pt.2- Din Djarin

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The heavily requested part 2 for the soulmates series: Mando edition~~~

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The heavily requested part 2 for the soulmates series: Mando edition

I stared up at the hologram floating high above me. On Corellia, wanted criminals had their faces plastered on almost every billboard. Bounty hunting was a popular trade on this planet. And my picture was currently up on the roster.

I pulled my hood lower over my head and dropped my gaze to the ground. My home was no longer safe. The shop had been raided in the night by bounty hunters. Trandoshans. I'd barely escaped and by the time I came back they had trashed everything. My valuables were gone, so I had nothing.

I knew the risks when I removed soulmate tattoos. It was illegal throughout the galaxy. Even here on the crime stricken planet of Corellia. I was so careful but someone had found out. I had spent all night wondering how I had slipped up, although it was useless. It was too late anyways.

There was a high price on my head and I needed to get off this planet. The streets were crowded so I slipped through unnoticed, making my way towards the shipyard. I could stow away on some vessel. I didn't have any money to pay for a way out of here. I would just have to sneak onto a ship and hope they didn't discover me until we landed on some far away planet.

The shipyard was bustling with people from all over. Various different languages reached my ears, some I recognized but many I didn't. People transported large shipments of goods. Others were simply travelers and refugees from other planets. Thankfully none of them paid me any attention.

I discreetly inspected each ship as I passed by. Some were too small and others already crowded with passengers. My eyes landed on a medium size merchant vessel. The ship was older, formerly imperial, but it was in good shape. The man who seemed to be the owner was watching as a few workers removed boxes off the ship and brought other boxes in. This might be the one for me. I moved in closer to get a better look, overhearing a conversation between two Twi'leks passing by me.

Most of it was lost to my ears, but one word caught my attention. Mandalorian. The woman had said Mandalorian. I wondered if the same man who had came to me for help that night was still on this planet.

Mandalorians typically didn't sit in one place too long. They were always on the move. They were bounty hunters or mercenaries by trade. That kind of job involved a lot of travel. It couldn't be the same one from that night.

Either way, mandalorians were bounty hunters, damn good ones at that. And the price on my head was too high for anyone to resist.

As if hearing about him spoke him into existence, I spotted the glint of beskar armor through the crowd.

"Shit," I said aloud. A few people passing by looked by way but said nothing. Maybe he hadn't seen me yet. I stared at the ground and circled my prospective ship again. I needed an opening. When the workers and the pilot weren't looking, I'd slip on and hide amongst the shipping containers. Easy peasy.

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