Chapter 24 - The Mum

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"Are you ok Olivia?" Reggie asked her.

They were sat on the floor of the studio with a picnic. He gotten Julie to help him sort everything and asked her to tell him all Olivia's favourite foods. They had Dirty Dancing, her favourite movie, playing on her laptop. There were strawberries, oreo's, a bowl of skittles. He couldn't eat any of it which just made the fact he'd done it for her all that much sweeter. He was perfect she thought.

But she'd been a rubbish date all day. She couldn't forget what Caleb had told her last night. 

She didn't feel like she had special 'powers' but what he said made sense and could she really run the risk if he was right, but what if he was wrong. As much as she wanted her parents back she couldn't lose the boys, not now. 

"Earth to Olivia." Reggie said waving a hand in front of her face pulling her out of trance. 

"Oh...Yeah...I'm fine." She said still completely caught up in her own mind. 

"You sure? You've kinda been somewhere else all day, is it this?" He pointed to all the blankets and food around her, worried he'd done something wrong. Contrary to what she might have thought, he hadn't done this much. The boys would say he was a complete flirt when they were alive but he'd never really dated, he never cared about someone as much as he cared for her. 

"Oh god no Reggie, this is...perfect, I just have a lot of my mind." She flicked her eyes from his face to her lap, she couldn't stand not telling him, but she didn't want to worry him. She knew what he'd say, not to do it but she needed to work this out for herself. 

She also didn't need Alex and Luke in her head too. Luke would start getting all boy on her saying he'd go tell him where to go and Alex would panic, spiral and she wasn't in a place to help him.

"Right like the performance on Friday? You're going to do great, we'll be there." He was trying his best to get her to look at him. He took her hand out her lap making her look up at him. She had a look in her eyes, it wasn't worry but something he hadn't seen before. 

"Yeah that...Reggie can I guess you something?" She didn't want to ask but she thought this might help her and she was curious. 

"Of course, anything you know that." He smiled at her hoping it might help. 

She took a deep breathe. "Do you even think about your parents? Like have you seen them?" Olivia remembered the time Luke and Alex had told her that he went to see his mum but he still had never mentioned it to her. 

He looked at the studio door before looking back at her again, he was going to tell her about his mum before, it was just a weird situation. "Well I guess yeah, I don't know where my dad is now, I guess they got a divorce sometime after I died, which doesn't surprise me, but...I go see my mum sometimes, when I'm feeling a bit down or like when you wouldn't speak to me, I kinda talk to her even thought I know she can't hear me, kinda like I do with Ray I guess." His smile was gone now and she felt terrible about it. 

There was a silence between them as she thought about what she wanted to say next, she thought very carefully. She didn't want to up set him more, she thought that was probably why she hadn't told him about last night. "If you could have her see you, no matter the cost, would you take it?"

"Well I guess...yes but it would depend what I had to give up. Olivia what is this about?" He was worried she was asking weird questions. Questions that didn't make sense to him. 

"Nothing. Just thinking I guess." He knew she was lying, it wasn't hard to tell. She wouldn't look him and her cheeks were red.

"Do you want to meet her?" He blurted out. He hadn't really thought that question though. He knew how she felt about not being able to introduce him to anyone. 

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