Chapter 1 - The Return

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"Yes I promise I'll be fine." Olivia couldn't take her eyes off the school she'd left just two years before as she tired to reassure her Aunt Sarah she'd be fine going back.

They sat in her car just outside as they waited for everyone to go in so she didn't have to run into too many people just yet.

"You've got your class schedule? And you know you can leave at any point right? Just call me and I'll come get you, no one would blame you." The words came spilling out her aunts mouth without a breathe in between. Olivia could see where she got her word vomit from when she was nervous.

She didn't think she'd ever be back here. She thought when she moved to England to live with her Grandma that that was that. She didn't realise that when being away from her home town didn't help that she'd get shipped back, but here she was sat in the same spot she'd been a million times before but this time everything was different. She was different.

"I'll be fine, just have to get the first day out the way and it'll all be fine" She said finally looking her aunt in the eye to try and convince her and to try and convince herself too. It wasn't working. "I'll be fine and I'll call you if I need you, promise." She rested her hand on her aunties hand that was still on the steering wheel "It's what they would want." She put a small smile of her face as they looked at each other.

With that she hoped out the car and shut the door waving her off as she walked towards the main door. She took a deep breath before grabbing the handle taking one last look at her self in the reflection of the door.

Her red hair was longer now, more high lights but her eyes looked duller, tired and drained. She wanted to go unnoticed today she wanted to blend, black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket should do just that she thought as she had gotten dressed this morning.
Very different from the pretty girly look she had the last time she was here.

She got to her locker, no one was a round. She knew she'd get away with being a bit late on her first day back so she just wanted to take 2 minutes to herself.

"Why are you guys here?" Julie said wondering down halls late for class. She was talking to her ghost band who for some reason had followed her to school today.
Practicing with the band till late was amazing just what she wanted to do but the late nights where starting to catch up with her. She couldn't afford for her dad to get a call from the school if she missed a class.

"We thought we'd keep you company" Luke said slipping his hand into hers a cocky grin on his face. An action that still seemed so foreign to her. It had been a week since their performance at The Orpheum and since she was able to touch the boys.

If her life hadn't changed enough already this was something else.

"I mean I did say she wouldn't want us here but no one listens to me." Alex said falling behind the group with his hands in his pockets. For him this was another change to get his mind around, something else to not understand and something else to keep him up. He was still dealing with the fact he knew he wasn't going to see Willie again and had been in a slum since. He hadn't felt what he felt for that boy before not even when he was alive, Willie made him feel alive.

"Come on guys it'll be fun" Reggie said skipping backwards putting his arm around Alex giving him a side hug knowing the boy hadn't been himself. "Plus cheerleaders." He had a stupid grin on his face now making Julie laugh.

"Fine, but no funny busy ok? And" She stopped, stopping talking and stopped walking making the boy beside her trip letting go of her hand and looked in the direction she was looking. The other two boys where oblivious having fallen behind the pair having there own conversation.

"Olivia?" She said looking at the girl five feet in front of her. She looked different, she was dressed different but it was defiantly her. "I didn't know you where coming back?" She said as she made her way towards the redhead.

Olivia took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, she knew who it was right away. "Julie" She said closing her locker and putting a happy smile on. "Yeah got back last week." she said looking down at her shoes not quite able to make eye contact. "Living with my aunt now just down the road from yours, I was going to come over and say hi just been busy getting settled and stuff, also didn't know if you'd want me to with everything. I'm really sorry my aunt told me about your mum, you ok?"

She couldn't stop the words from coming out it was like her aunts word vomit, she was so nerves she couldn't stop herself. "And your band! I saw you on YouTube before I got back your amazing!"

"I'm ok thank you, especially now I'm playing music again, and thanks it's kind of amazing their amazing." She couldn't stop herself smiling looking back at Luke.

The other two members had finally made their way back to the group. Reggie also tripped chocking on air as his eyes meet the redhead in front of him. She was beautiful he thought to him self. "Who's she?" he said leaning closer to Julie.

"Oh I'm Olivia you all must be Julies band. I didn't realise you guys actually lived in LA ." She was met with blank stairs.

The band just blinding a her not know what to say.

Luke broke the silence as he leaned forward saying "You can see us?"

Olivia laughed assuming it was a joke. She stopped when the group where still staring at her.

Julie and Luke shared a look, Reggie still had his imposable to remove grin on his face memorised by the girl in front of him and Alex looked like he might throw up. How could there be another change he thought to himself.

"Well yeah of course I can see you, your not holograms all the time, are you?" She was met with more silence.

"Ok well this has been great and all but I guess I better get to class, nice to meet you all....I think." She turned on her heels wanting to get out of there as soon as possible and headed to the all too familiar classrooms she hadn't forgotten.

She also wanted to cry, her and Julie had been great friends before she had to leave. Had she really been gone that long that she didn't want anything to do with her anymore or was it Olivia's fault. Should she had gone to see her as soon as she got back.

----- Author's note - This is the first thing I've ever written so please be nice :)

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