Chapter 14 - The Start

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------- Author Note - Before I start, I was rereading my chapters and realised I never confirmed that the top Olivia is wearing in chapter 9, the one she wears for the cafe performance, is a Sunset Curve top, I've added it in now but I just want to say it is a SC top just incase I didn't make that clear. Anyway back to the story, thank you 🥰

"What did Luke talk to you about last night?" Her and Julie were walking into dance class when she caught her off guard.

"Wait what?" They found their normal spaces and started to stretch as they waited for Flynn to come running in late as always.

"Well I went down into the studio last night to maybe do some writing with him and Alex said he'd gone to yours, was just wondering if everything was ok?" Julie had a weird tone to her voice and weird look in her eyes. Not something Olivia had seen before, almost like she was jealous.

Olivia had to think for a minute. Was Julie worried something was going on with her and Luke? That was ridiculous! He was literally like a brother, it actually made her let out a little laugh to think about him in any other way, but she also couldn't tell her about the deal she'd made with Luke.

"He just came over to check in but it was good I told him I'd take him and Alex up on their offer to help with my song for Reggie." She watched as Julies face went a little soft again and her smile come back. She couldn't believe she even had to question what was going on between her and Luke.

At that minute Flynn came running in sliding into her space next to Julie and started to stretch, pretending she'd been there the whole time.

"What we chatting about lady's?" She said a little out of breath fro the running.

"Oh just Olivia agreeing to tell Reggie how she feels." She said nudging her friend in the ribs as Olivia reached her hands up to the sky leaving her self open for attack.

"Oh what's so cute, I'm happy for you Liv, does this mean you're going to tell Luke then Juls?" Olivia had told Flynn about both the deals she'd made in their English class. She knew she had to know she was just as good at meddling as Olivia and she'd need all the help she could get.

"Excuse me? When did y"

"Right class let's pick up from last week shall we?" She was cut off by their teacher as she went red and her two friends laugh at her.

Olivia couldn't help but smile, she was so lucky to have these two girls back in her life.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful for the girl who's world had been turned upside down in only a few weeks.

She called Lisa from The Rodeo on the Friday after school to talk about her offer. She had to go down to the club in a few weeks to show them a couple of songs and then they'd decided if they wanted her in the show the next month.

She'd been shaking the whole phone call with Sarah staring at her from across the dinner room table. As soon as she'd hung up they had done a crazy happy dance around the room.

Sarah couldn't be happier for her. Her dad would have be so proud of her getting to play there. She just wished they had both still been here to see her. She let a tear roll down her face at the thought as she brought the littler redhead in for a hug.

After hugging her niece for what seemed like forever she let her go so she could go tell Julie.

She ran a fast as she possibly could, her Vans only taking her so fast.

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