Chapter 36- The Final

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-------- Author Note - Hey guys this one is the last chapter! Will probably be a super long one. Also please read my authors note at the end, thank you, love you all 🥰

- I'm also posting this super late so I havent had a chance to double check the spelling, but I just wanted to get it posting as I feel like I've taken long enough to post it.

- Songs in this chapter

- Legends - Kelsea Ballerini

"Olivia what are you doing?" Willie shouted at her again but her mind was made up she had to try, even if it meant she couldn't get back.

"Caleb!" She shouted bring the mans attention to her up on the balcony but he never missed a step simply smiling at her as his number came to an end staring her down the whole time.

Before she knew it the white light was engulfing her again and she landed, a little more gracefully this time, on the stage in front of him as people gasped seeing her.

She looked at her hands for a seconds and then at him confused. "How did you do that?" She asked him, unsure how that was possible when he hadn't touch her. He just laughed at her circling her like a vulture.

He stopped just in front of her again. "I didn't. It would seem you really are getting powerful." He told her with a smile on his face.

This was what he'd hoped for, the more she was around the boys she was growing in strength. It was unlocking a part of her making her able to do it. Know he just needed to get her on side and that power would be his.

"I...I did that? How?" She looked down at her hands again still in shook she could it at all, her mind was raising, none of this made sense she thought. Her plan was going out her mind quickly, she couldn't think straight.

He looked her up and down knowing he had her. "With this power we could be unstoppable, think of the things you could do." He said watching as she looked up from her hands to his face.

What if he'd been right all along what if she could see her parents again, the first time he said it just seemed ridiculous but now she was rethinking everything.

"Olivia!" She heard Willies voice call her out of her mind as he stood in the middle of the dance floor in front of her. She looked to him and then behind him, the guests almost seemed like they didn't even know they were there and Willie was looking around for her even thought she was looking right at him.

"Neat little trick don't you think, an invisible wall can be great for all kinds of situations." Caleb told her as he noticed her looking around at the rest of the room realising no one could see her.

Olivia had never had to think so fast in her life.

She ran all the ways this could go in her head, trying to see all the out comes and what was her best option. She wasn't going down without a fight that was for sure.

"I guess theres no point fighting anyone Caleb you're just too powerful." She looking at him with sadness in her eyes.

She was playing to his ego, she thought she could get his guard down if he thought he'd won.

He smiled at her, his sickening smile, she had him she thought. "Oh little girl it will do you well to remember that." He told her laughing lightly.

"So what now?" She asked him. "I join you, will you still teach me how to use my...abilities?" Olivia really didn't like the word powers, Luke was right it made her sound like a witch.

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