Chapter 29 - The Second Chance

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- Songs in this chapter - 

Long way home - 5 seconds of summer

The weekend went by quickly and before she knew it it was Monday again. 

She closed the door of her locker with a huff and leant against it waiting for Julie to meet her before heading to lunch. 

To say she was in a funk was an understatement.

Her and the boys had tried a couple of times to hold hands thought out the weekend with no luck. It wasn't the end of the world she could still see them and they were still there for her but it wasn't the same. 

And it defiantly wasn't the same with Reggie, the feels they had for each other were the same but it's not exactly ideal to have a relationship with someone who no one can see and also you can't touch. 

She looked around the halls as people walked passed her. Slipping down the front of the locker she sat herself down of the floor leaning against it. 

As she ran a hand thought he hair as felt her phone begin to buzz in her front pocket. 

"Hello?" It was an un-none number which normally she wouldn't answer. Her anxiety was stirring in her stomach as she waited for a reply. 

"Hey Olivia is Lisa from The Rodeo." Olivia felt like she'd stopped breathing at this point. 

She knew she'd flop that performance she didn't need someone else telling she had. She had just kinda hopped that everyone who was involved in that horrible incident would just pretend it never happened.

"Hey Lisa, I'm so sorry for the other day I don't know." She started to ramble on as her palms got sweaty and she couldn't stop herself talking until she was cut off.

"Olivia listen, I know how sometime we think something is going to go one way and it dosen't but it's not the end of the world." Olivia saw Julie weave her way over to her, raising her eye brows as she saw she was on the phone. She tried to mouth that it was Lisa. "You're still that girl I saw perform at that cafe being a rock star. I want to give you another chance are you free tomorrow after you finish school?"

Olivias face went pale and eyes wide as she realised what she was saying. "What? Are you serious? I thought you'd never want to hear from me again." Julie looked up from her phone her eyes going wide as she realised what she must be saying. 

"Oh bless you, Olivia I've been in this industry for a long time now and I know talent when I see it, and you've got it. Look we've got a band in on Saturday who want an up-and-coming act to go on before, and your sound is just what they want, but I've got to convince the other guys I work with so come back tomorrow after school, blow their socks off and you'll be playing in front of a crowd Saturday night." 

"Thank you, thank you so much, I'll see you tomorrow." She hung the phone up and just stood there for a minute feeling like she must be in some sort of dream that she'd wake up from any minute. 

"What? Who was it?" Julies voice brought her out of her trance and she throw her arms around her neck and started to jump up and down with her.

"Lisa! I have another chance Julie! I need to go work on a song." She let go of her friend and started to move towards the door of the school.

"Liv you still have half a day left." Julie called after her laughing at the red heads enthusiasm but knowing that skipping half a day would not help her.

"Right. Right after school I need to work on a song." She said walking back up to Julie and linking her arm with hers.

"Come on let's go get some lunch and you can tell me what she said." The pair started to walk off to the cafeteria, they both hoped that maybe her luck had turned around.

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