Chapter 33 - The Girlfriend

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She'd decided to go straight home after everything, it had been a long day and she wanted to work on her new song a bit before showing the guys, she knew they'd get it sorted the next day so she wasn't too stressed, yet.

"I can't believe you did that!" Reggie said as he poofed into Olivias room 2 seconds after she'd got there.

She also felt like Alex deserved to have one evening for just him and Willie. She'd heard him say yes to the date just before they left the studio and she hadn't stopped smiling at the thought of Alex actually being happy since.

"Does this mean you have other powers? Do you think you're a witch!?" He spoke again sitting down next to her on her bed pulling her out of her thoughts. She pulled her song book out, she was hoping he'd help her with it.

She laughed at his rambling and put a hand on his knee to stop it. "Reggie." She said as he looked over at her, pulling his legs up on to the bed and criss crossing them.

"Sorry." He said looking over her face as she smiled at him, one of those warm real smiles he loved so much.

"I don't think I'm a witch." She laughed again thinking that wouldn't be the craziest thing she'd heard. "I just wish someone could tell me what was going on you know? This stuff should come with instructions or a quick start guide or something." She ran her hands thought her hair letting out a loud sigh.

He took both her hands and held them, rubbing his thumb over them to try and calm her. "We'll work it out ok, together." He looked deep in her eyes to reassure her he was in this with her, he wasn't going anywhere.

She looked away from him for a minute as a thought came to her, one she didn't want to think but needed to get out. "You know if Caleb is right and I can help ghosts cross over I could." She started.

"No!" He stated loudly making her flinch slightly. It wasn't something he hadn't thought about but it wasn't something he wanted to think about. He felt like he'd only just got her he wasn't leaving anytime soon.

She shock her head at him and tried again. "But Reggie." But she didn't get very far again before he cut her off again.

"No!" He said again, squeezing her hands making her stop.

She couldn't help but let out a little laugh at his childness. "Reggie you're going to stay 17 forever and I'm going to get old and." She looked down at their hands intwined, she'd give almost anything to stay with him forever. "I know I don't want to think about it but."

He cut her off actually having something proper to say on the matter. "When the time comes, if we've done everything we want to do then maybe, and I guess if I do have to cross over then I'd want my girlfriend to do it." He said smiling at her, trying to make the mood a little lighter.

"Reginald that's the first time you've called me your girlfriend." She tried biting back the smile that was growing on her face but it was no good.

Luke had told her he'd said it to the boys once but he'd never said it to her, they'd never really talk about it either but she thought it cute, she liked it.

"Oh! Jesus." His face dropped at the realisation, he'd never said it to her and only the boys once before but he guessed it was out there now so. "Is that ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah I like that." She sat there as she watched the infections smile begin to grow on his face again at her words and she couldn't help but smile even more at it.

"You know I never had a girlfriend before we died." He said leaning a little closer to her resting his forehead on hers.

It wasn't something he was embarrassed about, although he hoped she wouldn't tell the boys, but it was something he found almost funny. The fact it took him dying to find a girl he was crazy about, and who actually liked him too.

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