Chapter 16 - The Friend

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Songs in this chapter - 

- Friends Don't - Maddie & Tae 

"Wait she said what?" Alex was over at Olivias now. He'd told Reggie he was going over to teach her more tricks to stay calm during her performance and no he couldn't come too. 

With Sarah not being home till the morning Alex had used his ghost magic to somehow poof his drum kit into her garden. She didn't know how it all worked and she didn't ask.

"I don't know why you and Luke seem to find it so funny." Olivia had told him what Sarah had said that morning, no one seemed the littlest concerned she was questioning if she'd met them at all just seemed to find her threat funny.

"Dude, cause he's already dead." Alex kept laughing as he got up from his seat behind the drum kit to stand with the girl having a break for a minute. 

She started laughing as well now having never thought about it like that before "Ok, ok it wasn't that funny." She said as they both took a seat on the step leading back inside looking out into the dark garden.

"So you going to show him the song tomorrow? You know it's ready." Alex said looking over at her. He knew the song was ready and he knew she'd need a push to do it. 

"Tomorrow? I don't know what if." He cut her off before she could start to spiral. 

"Livie you can't live your life with what ifs, what ifs don't get you very far, take it from someone who knows." He was watching her face as he talked, she honestly was like his double he could hear the cogs going in her just like his would be in the same situation, he needed her to calm down. "Although if I'd said what if to that hot dog I maybe wouldn't be dead." He watched as a smile crept onto her face as she laughed at him.

"Yes but then you wouldn't know me which would have been a tragedy." Alex really was the one she felt closest to. Luke was like the pushing dad who believed in her too much and Reggie felt like a safe place she could fall into forever. But Alex he really was like a brother she never had, they were the same person on the inside it was scary sometimes. 

"That's true you are the sister I always wanted." They smiled at each other knowing he was right. "Come on let's finish this so you can confess your love in the most over dramatic way ever." He stood up and put his hand out to help her up which she laughed at and got herself up herself.

"Can I have one more what if?" She said as he made his way back to his seat and she put her guitar over her head. "What if he says he doesn't like me?" 

"Then he's a liar." 

She laid in bed that night after Alex had gone back.

The house was quiet, she'd made dinner and tidied and cleaned so Sarah wouldn't worry about it when she got in.

It was weird it being so quiet, she'd gotten used to being around the boys and Julie so much in the short month she'd been there, she wasn't used to the quiet anymore. She used to love the quiet, stuck in her own thoughts, her own sadness but now it was weird. 

She didn't sleep that night until she heard Sarah get in at 2am, then she drifted off to sleep.

"Julie!" Olivia burst into Julies room.

"Morning to you too." Julie said laughing sitting up from her bed, she'd been doing some last minute homework before tomorrow. 

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