Chapter 28 - The Fall Out

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Olivia was tired. 

Completely drained of everything but could she sleep, of course not! 

After she'd suggested a girls night plus boy band, Flynn had come straight over and they'd ordered all the pizza they could possibly eat to make Olivia feel a little better about her disaster of a performance. 

They all hung out in the studio and she'd explained as much as she could to Julie and Flynn about what had happened while the boys listened in. She left out one very important detail of what Caleb had said, she didn't tell Julie that the reason she could see that boys wasn't her parents. She thought it might make her think her mum wasn't connected and she didn't want that. 

It was hard having the boys talk and her and Julie having translate everything back to Flynn but it seemed to work in some weird way, although she did feel bad for Flynn. 

She told them what had happened when Caleb took her and everything she'd found online, which of course hadn't been a lot. Seers were people who were believed to have come back from the dead meaning a little part of them was on the other side which is why they can see ghosts, she found that on some ghost hunters website that looked super sketchy but it kinda sounded right.

She was met by a lot of blank stares which she had expected apart from Reggie who still looked at her all she was the most beautiful girl in the world even thought she felt like the strangest.

"I think it's so cool!" Flynn said cursing everyone laugh even Olivia who thought she might think she was a freak. 

Everything seemed ok after that, they all watched Dirty Dancing, because they knew it would make her feel better but really it just made her think about to the date day she'd had with Reggie, it seemed like a million years ago now. Also in that moment just made it worse, she felt like she'd lost it him, all of them really. 

If she couldn't work it out then maybe she wouldn't ever be able to feel them again, never be able to get a brother hug from Alex or Luke and never be able to feel Reggies lips on her again or his hand wrapped around hers. 

As it got later they went back up to the house to go to sleep in Julies rooms. As she stepped foot into her room she just burst into tears again causing the other girls to pull her into a warm group hug. 

"Girl whats up?" Flynn said only pulling away slightly to see the red heads face as Julie wiped some of her tears away. 

"I've really fucked up!" She said in between sobs. She pulled them over to the bed and they sat down. She pulled one of Julies pillows into her chest and hugged it. 

"I know the audition didn't go how you wanted but they'll be others, you'll get another chance." Julie said putting an arm around her shoulder, Olivia let her head fall on her shoulder as Flynn sat looking at her taking her hands in hers. 

She felt really lucky in that moment, if she hadn't made it back from England she wouldn't have this, real friends, real friendship. She'd do anything for these girls. 

"I mean yes I'm sad about that but" Letting out a shaky breather as she stopped crying she looked at her hands intwined with Flynns. 

"Reggie?" Flynn said causing Olivia to look up at her nodding her head.

"Look, I know you think this is all you but you couldn't touch them before and then you could, so don't you think that maybe you can get it back." Flynn said it as almost a question rather than a statement but Olivia knew what she meant and she guessed she was right too.

"Flynns right, this can't be it." Julie said as Olivia sat up running her hands thought he hair and over her face. 

"I guess your right it's just... I guess I was..." She hugged the pillow tighter to her body and thought her legs to her chest shoving her face into her knees. "Maybe starting to I don't know." It was muffled but Julie and Flynn looked at each knowing what she meant.

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