the method i used

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so people have been asking what method i used when i shifted. i kinda just went along with what i felt and kinda made up my own method. sorta? idk, i just haven't seen a method like this before. so, let's go through the steps.

ok, so keep in mind that the day i shifted was christmas and i had a really good day. i made sure drink water, my bladder was practically exploding that day. 

- i meditated for around 10 minutes and chilled, i just felt the zen man

- when i was ready for bed, i settled in and got comfy. 

- i have a youtube playlist with slytherin common room ambience/ music (i'm a proud slytherin baby, not one of those fake peoples. anyways) and then there's subliminals after the ambience. i played the playlist through headphones.

- i felt my dorm with all 5 of my senses. what it smells like, looks like, sounds like, feels like and i couldn't really taste it. i visualized all of the details, every single teeny tiny little one.

- eventually i fell asleep and woke up in my dr

that's basically it. if you have any questions, please message me, i don't read a whole bunch of comments because there are soo many.

xx, krista

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