waiting room

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the waiting room is a type of desired reality between your current reality and your desired reality. it's meant to be a quiet place that you can focus in, where your consciousness can wait in until you're one hundred percent ready to shift over to your desired reality. here, you won't have any distractions and it's easier to focus in.

having a waiting room is definitely not required, but some people (including me) prefer to have a safe space between their current and desired reality.

a waiting room is very helpful to have because it gets you out of your current reality faster. it's usually easier to visualize bc it's not as complicated as a whole other reality.

you can script whether you want to go to a waiting room and what your waiting room will look like.

my waiting room is a little cottage that's always undisturbed. it has a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. i scripted that getting into my waiting room will be waking up in the bedroom there. i can spend as much time as i need there. once i'm ready, i'll lay in the bed and fall asleep. from there, i'll wake up in my bedroom from my desired reality.

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