script template

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as promised, here's the script template i use:)

about me

+ name: 

+ age: 

+ birthday: 

+ gender and pronouns:

+ positive personality traits: 

+ negative personality traits (don't feel inclined to put anything here): 

+ skills i posses (this can be repetitive with likes and hobbies, but i used it and you'll see why in my script):

+ can you feel pain?

+ are you used to seeing death/murder/blood (for those of you going to an action packed reality)?

+ sexuality: 

+ hobbies:

+ likes: 

+ dislikes: 

+ family act (how you act around your family):

+ friend act (how you act around your friends):

+ self act (how you act when you're alone):


+ hair color, length, type: 

+ usual hairstyles:

+ eye color, shape, lashes, brows: 

+ lips:

+ nose shape: 

+ skin type (acne, clear, freckles, etc.): 

+ chin shape: 

+ face shape: 

+ tattoos or piercings?

+ height: 

+ weight (don't feel inclined to put this): 

+ teeth (straight, crooked, vampire fangs, etc.):

+ do you need glasses or contacts? braces?


+ my clone will (act like me, not raise suspicion, etc.)

+ my clone will not harm anyone.

+ my clone (will, will not) tell anyone i have shifted.

+ my clone will go about my normal activities (like school, homework, sports, talking with friends and family, etc.)

how i come back to my current reality

+ i get back to my current reality by (safe action or safe word).

how time passes

+ (amount of time) in my current reality is equal to (amount of time) in my desired reality.

my desired reality

+ describe your desired reality. is it based on a book, movie, show, etc? where and when is it set?


+ my mother's name is ______. they are (gender), (pronouns). birthday (if it's important). personality. are you close? do you get along well?

+ my father's name is _______. they are (gender), (pronouns). birthday, personality. are you close? do you get along well?

+ my sibling's name is ______. they are (gender), (pronouns). birthday, personality. are you close? do you get along well?


+ name: gender, pronouns, age, birthday, how you met, how close you are. appearance. personality.

^do this for however many friends you'll have

love interest

+ name: gender, pronouns, age, birthday, how you met. appearance. personality. 


+ name: gender, pronouns, age, birthday, how you met. why they don't like you. why you don't like them


+ i have the Lifa App in my personal diary that only i may access. it cannot be deleted or destroyed. it lets me see what time and day it is in my current reality, it lets me check on my clone and edit my script from my desired reality. 

+i'm safe in my desired reality.

+ every time i leave my desired reality, time freezes. when i re-enter my desired reality, time starts again. 

+ anything else you want to add

make sure to add anything else that would be important. for example, if you're shifting to the harry potter reality, add you house, wand and patronous. 

if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. if there's anything you think i should add, please let me know.

good luck angels. remember that you can do this and the universe showed you shifting for a reason. you'll be home soon:)

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