day two: night of august sixth, 2020

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i have no idea what happened to the night of the sixth, that day seemed to not exist this year. 

anyways, today, i had the mindset that i would shift or at least get closer. i wrote down my manifesting things and script in my journal. i meditated before laying down to start the shifting process, and it really helped me clear my mind. i really recommend meditating.

i didn't shift, but i think i got closer. my whole body got warm, especially my chest and my fingers and toes were tingling.

i got all the way to 100 and i was chilling and visualizing my dr when my GOD DAMN DOGS STARTED BARKING 2 IN THE FUCKING MORNING. yes, i was pretty upset because it was the closest i'd ever gotten. it's okay though, i always have tonight.

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