no sleep method

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- meditate for around five or ten minutes, it can be guided or on your own. this is optional, but i highly recommend it. just make sure you're relaxed.

- once you're relaxed, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. repeat in your head "i am", just the 2 words. keep saying it until you get any signs of shifting, like tingles, feeling like you're floating/weightlessness, feeling super heavy, vibrations, itching, white lights, etc. those aren't the only signs, just a few.

- start counting (out loud or in your head) from 0 to 100 VERY SLOWLY, TAKE YOUR TIME. you can slip in some affirmations as well, but that's optional. you should feel more signs of shifting, but it's alright if you don't.

- after you've finished counting, start repeating identity affirmations. anything like "my name is ____" "my best friend is ____" "i like to *hobby*" "i live in ____" "i go to *school* or work at ____" and on and on. keep going until you feel disconnected from your physical body.

- once you feel disconnected, start visualising your dr. where you live, what your friends look like, etc. if you aren't good at visualising (i'm definitely not lol), feel your dr. what it smells like, how hot/cold it is, what the general vibe or ambiance is, etc.

- once you feel your surroundings change, open your eyes and you should be there.

don't get upset if you aren't successful the first time, shifting can be difficult.

shiftingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt