Chapter 45: Old Friend

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It was done, my room was now assassin proof, with plenty of traps and weapons to keep me safe. Or as assassin proof as the school would allow, I'm pretty sure I'm not allow me to add a spike trap, but oh well, now I could sleep at night without fearing for my life at least.

I looked at the clock. It was 5:30, the dinner started at 6:00. I should probably get going if I didn't want to be late. Or maybe it would be better if I was late, less people to spot me in a crowded room. As I was pondering this, I heard a knock at my door.

"Who can this be?" I thought as I walked over and opened the door.

It was Scarlet, wearing a very uncomfortable looking yellow dress. She looked like she was wincing, but she smiled when she saw me.

"Oh Maria, I'm sorry to be a bother, but you see I was trying to wear this new dress for the dinner tonight, but oh I think I did something wrong. Could you please help me?"


"Oh thank you Maria!" she said, clasping her hands as best she could.

"You can borrow one of my dress, they're easier to get on," I said as I held the door open for her. It took a while for her to get inside because she could hardly move in that abomination of a dress.

Once we finally made it into my room I started helping her undress. This also took up a lot of time because of how many stupid ribbons there was to untie. By the time I was done it was already 5:45.

"You should be able to get out of the dress now, I'll go find a more suitable one for you,"

Going to my closet I found that it was easier said than done. Most of my dress were either purple, red, or black, none of which would suit her hair, plus our body sizes were a bit different too. Digging through the back, I found a simple but elegant white dress. It was one of my older dresses, but it should be able to fit her good enough. 

I walked out and held the dress for her to take. She grabbed it out my hands before pushing me out of the room.

"What was that for?" I wondered. A moment later Scarlet walked out. She looked much better in the dress I gave her then the one she came in wearing.

"Oh this is so lovely, thank you so much!" she said as she rushed and gave me a hug. 

I didn't hug her back, but I did say "You're welcome,"

Scarlet let go of me and looked at the clock saying 5:59. "Oh no, we're going to be late. This'll be such a bad first impression." She started dragging me to the door and flung it open and pulled us both outside into the hallway.

"We have to to hurry if we don't want to be too lat-oh I'm so sorry I forgot about you!" she said suddenly. She let go of me and rushed over to her doorway, then dragged someone else back, someone who familiar and made my heart pound

Scarlet was saying something to them, but it I didn't pay attention. I was staring into his warm brown eyes. Those didn't change.

"Oh, sorry for not giving an introduction. Maria, this is my cousin-"

"Theodore," I croaked out, as I tried not to cry. 

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