Chapter 1: A deal

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When I woke up, it was in a strange place I didn't recognize. It was white like the hospital, but there was no walls, floors, ceilings, or anything at all. I didn't know what to do. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep.

Suddenly, there was a pop sound. In front of me was a small man wearing a suit. He was at least half my size. He looked up at me and said

"Ah hello! You must be Lily Smith! I see you have died. Wonderful! Now let's have a seat to talk about your new life." He snapped his fingers and two chairs appeared out of no where.

I sat down in a chair, confused about what was happening. But I decide to listen to the strange man. He sat in the edge of his seat and said

"So, you died. That happens to everyone, but you died a little bit early. You weren't meant to get sick, that was a mistake on my part. So to compensate for that, I will give you a new life".

I sat there stunned. It was a lot to take in. First off, I died. Then I was currently talking to a god, and now I am getting a new life? How does this even work?

"You must be confused. Most people are when I explain this stuff to them." the small man said.

I continued to stare at him.

He sighed and then finally said "Look. I am giving you a new life, but it will be on a different world. This world has magic. I can let you have any magic you want, but at a cost."

"I can get magic?" I asked, my voice filled with hope.

"Yes, but like I said, at a cost. You see, the world I'm sending you to is not my own, so the god over seeing it can do whatever he wants with you. I'm good friends with him, so he'll let you have any powers you want, but he will pick the life you reincarnate into. So if you want magic, he could send you to a bad life." said the god

I thought over this. I could have any powers I wanted, but at the risk of being born into a bad life. After thinking about it some more, I had my answer.

"I would like healing magic please." I said to the god.

"Good choice! Now are you ready to be reborn?" he said.

I nodded my head, feeling excited.

"Okay! I already talked to my friend with telepathy, and he already set up a new life for you!"

"Really!" I said.

"Yep. Into the life of Maria Bonaparte. Have fun!" he said with a smile.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" I thought before everything faded to black.

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