Chapter 7: First death

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Blake didn't say a word as he followed me down the halls. He was making me nervous, but I still tried to talk to him.

"So, your room is next to mine. I haven't seen it, but I'm sure it's really nice. We will have the same tutor, Mr. March. He can be strict, but he can fun too. I think you'll like him."

Blake still didn't speak, just continued to stare at me. I hope he is okay. He could just be depressed about his family dying. In the game, he only got over his past when he met the heroin. So I guess I'll have to wait five years for him to speak.

But I still tried to get him to say something, anything. I gave him a tour around the manor. He was still silent. Luckily, I saved the best for last. The garden.

The garden was one the few places I enjoyed in the manor. Unlike the interior, the garden was bright and colorful. It had hundreds of different types of flowers.

"Follow me." I lead him deep into the garden. I took him to the pond. In the center was an old statue.

"The statue is of our founder. He was able to find off enemies with the king, and was given this land. And then he founded the most powerful noble house in the country." I stated to him.

Blake looked at me, but now I could see pure hatred in eyes, not just emptiness. He was shaking, and he was holding his hand out.

The next thing I saw, was water. It surrounded me. It stung my eyes and filled my lungs. I thrashed around, but I could feel myself sinking. I tried saying help, but I couldn't tell if I got it out as everything went black.

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