Date part 2

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Ky'lee Pov
So we finally stop and I realize we are at the beach. This is so romantic. You always see this in the movies no real life. We get out the car and walk to the table sitting int he middle of the beach. Once he pulls my chair out I say" this is so nice nobody has ever done this for me" " well expect this from he he says. So then this chefs comes out of nowhere and sits our food. So I start digging in. Then Odell says "so tell me about yourself." Then I say." Well I am 23 I am from Georgia. I own my clothing store called T-raw productions. I love to travel. I have two older brothers. I have never really had a boyfriend." then he says" why haven't you really had a boyfriend ". I say" I really don't know I just I didn't really attract guys like that". He nods and says" well you I have one because I find you very attractive" I just blush and keep eating.
After we get done eating Odell decides we should take a walk on the beach. So I have on heels how am I going to walk in these. So Odell offers to hold my shoes so. When we are walking I say "lets play tag". He just laughs and says" you know you are childish right". I just laugh and say " yeah i have had many people tell me that". So I tag him and start running. I don't get that far cause I forgot he a wide receiver so you know he can. So while I am running the next thing I know I am being pushed on the ground. "Like damn bruh I ain't one of those football player you be working so next time tackle me watch and see what happen" I say in a serious tone. He just laughs and helps me get up while grabbing my ass. " Wtf why you grabbing my ass I said help me get up not grab my ass" I say. He says" I am a ass man and when I see ass I grab it so I had to touch" he says while grabbing my ass closer and bringing me closer to him. Then he starts to kiss on my neck. Oh lord this not how I imagine having sex for the first time on a beach. So push him away " lets get back to the car"'. I say. So I pick my shoes where he left them at and start walking to where the table is. I hear him running to catch up with me then he grabs my hand and we walk hand and hand to the car. Once we get to my house he walk me to the door " I have a great time tonight". He says. " Ain't suppose to say that first" I say. He just laughs and says" well I said it first". So I say " well I had a great time with you to. Maybe we should do this again. Or maybe we should do a lunch date or go to a movie and I got cut off by him saying" just shut up and kiss me already so I do as he says and I kiss him. We really start to get into the kiss he grabs me and pull me closer. He then slides his tongue across my bottom lip. I open my open my mouth. Then I realize we are outside on my porch so I pull away and say " come on"

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