Meeting his family

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Odell pov
I can't believe my grandma just died. I just talked to her a few days ago and she was doing fine. Ugh now who going to cook at the family reunion cuz don't nobody cook like she does. Since my grandmother just died we are having a get together tonight.

I wake to her something in the bathroom. I go in the bathroom and see Ky'lee throwing up. I grab her hair and hold it so it won't get in her face. "Baby what's wrong with you are you okay" I say rubbing her back. "Baby I'm fine I probably just have the flu or something," she says getting up off the floor and flushing he toilet. "Baby u sure maybe u should go to the doctor," I say wrapping my arms around. "Since u not going to let it go I will go Monday,". "I just won't to take sure you are in good healthy. We can't be having sex and u sneeze cuz that would be nasty." I say. "I swear I don't like u sometimes," she says unwrapping my arms and walking into the bedroom.

"But u like this dick though," I say following her. "Imma go home and get dress baby I will be back in bout a hour," she says putting her shoes on."baby what do you think about moving in together?" I ask sitting down beside her. "What u mean? She says looking at me like I am dumb. "Baby like u pack up your clothes and move into my house. You know u have your side of the closet, your sink, your side of the garage, and stuff." I say.

"Oh well ok then we can start packing next weekend," she says walking to the door. "Baby wait," I say running up to her and kissing her. " What was that for ?"she asks. "Because you just said you were going to move in with me," I say. "awww that was too sweet baby,"

Ky'lee pov
After I left Odell's house I went home and took a shower and I got dress I went back to his house to meet up with him. "Baby," I say while looking for him. " In the bedroom,". I go into the room to see him trying on shoes. I swear he got more shoes than me. "Baby which ones u think I should?" He asks standing in front of the mirror. " "the ones on your left feet. So can we go now I am so ready to eat." i say getting up to good down stairs. "Alright I'm ready lets go," he says walking behind me.

On the way to his grandmother's house Odell says"so you know my parents are going to be there and I want you to meet them," he says holding my hand. " ok but I'm scared what if your parents don't like me,what if they hate me,what if they hate my outfit, what if they say we should break up,". I got interrupted by Odell kissing me. " Baby u will be just fine. They will love u just like I do". "Aww you love me I feel so special." I say smirking.

We arrive at this two-story White House. Most of the people were standing outside up under a tent.
Odell and I got out the car and we walked into the house. We was walking till we found the kitchen. It was bout three woman in the kitchen. Odell pulled me up to this woman who had the same facial features as he does. "Momma I have somebody I want u to meet." His momma turns around and looks at us. "Momma this is my girlfriend Ky'lee. " Ky'lee this is my mother Heather Van Norman," Odell says. " It's very nice to meet you," I say holding out my hand to shake. Instead she hugs me. " We are huggers round here," she says releases my from a hug. Then Odell introduces me to his aunts.

Then this girl came into the kitchen hugging Odell. She look like she was between the age of 11-14. " Odie I missed you." the girl says while hugging Odell. "What I told u bout calling me dat gay name,". " Whatever I can call u that if I want too.". the girl says letting Odell go from the hug and snapping her neck. "Well Jasmyne I ah a somebody I want u to meet ." Odell says while turning her towards me. "Jasmyne this is my girlfriend Ky'lee," "Ky' lee this is my annoying little sister Jasmyne," Odell says while hitting her in the back of the head. "Momma Odell hit me in the back of da head. " Jasmyne says coming up to me and hugging me. I hug her back. I hear heather say " Odell why you hit dat girl?" " mommy because she called me dat gay name knowing I don't like dat name."

While Odell and his mother were talking Jasmyne and I were talking. "Oh girl I love your outfit. "You need to take me shopping with you." Jasmyne says looking at my outfit. " "I gotcha maybe we can go next weekend." I say. "Ok then you got a deal." Jasmyne says.

Word Count: 875

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