So You had a Baby

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Odell POV
So while I was chillin with Jarvis I get a text from Ky'lee saying that I need to come home because there is a problem.

" Aye Jarvis I will hit you up later I got to head home and check on something"


Once I leave his house I head home. I pull up in the drive way. I walk thru the front door and I hear a baby crying.

I go in the room and see my baby girl Liv laying on the bed. She was crying.

I picked her up and held her in my arms.

She started to get quiet then i heard light snores.

Once I knew she was sleep I laded her on the bed. I went to look for Ky'lee.

" Ky'lee"

" yes" she says coming out the bathroom.

"Baby how did Liv get her"

"I don't know you tell me since you though it would be cool to hide the fact you had a child. A baby at that who is five months." She says.

" Baby I was going to tell you but I it never was the right time"

" What do you mean it never was the right time. There was plenty times you could have told me. Maybe when we first met. Or when we went out on a date or maybe. Or maybe when I met your family.

" I know but I didn't want you to leave me" I say.

"Aww babe I wouldn't have left you."

" Yea but are you mad that I have a child" I ask.

" No not that you have a child but that fact that you didn't tell me is what I am mad about"

"Well I'm sorry" I say

Oh baby you ain't sorry yet" she says walking down the stairs.

Later in the day.

Ky'lee POV

I'm not mad at Odell that he has a kid but I am mad at how he didn't tell me. It wasn't like I was going to leave him.

"Odell" I say going into the room to see him sleeping with Olivia on his chest.

I take a pic of both of them.

I go up and shake Odell. He wakes.

" Babe we need to go shopping for Olivia we need to get her a crib, some clothes, food, and diapers.

" Yea we do"he says getting up trying not to wake Olivia.

One he get up and puts his shoes on I grab Olivia. I got find the carrier she came her in I put her in that.

She still hasn't woke up. Once I strap her into the car I get in the car and I wait on Odell to come out the house.

He finally comes out. When he comes out.

We head to a baby boutique. Once I get out the car I was about to get Olivia but Odell got her before I did.

We walk in to be greeted by one of the employees.

Odell goes to sit down with Olivia since he doesn't shop so I do all the shopping myself.

After we leave there we stop at Walmart to by baby food and pampers.

Once we get down with all that we head home.

Odell goes to set up Olivia's room. Olivia and sit and watch tv.

Then my phone rings and it is Quentorea.

" Wassup"


" So how you been doing since you haven't called in a while. So I thought I should check up"

"Oh girl I am fine" I say.

I went on to explain to her what has been going on.

But I didn't say anything about the baby. I want to tell everybody at the same time.

"Oh girl so he has a baby girl"

"Yea" I say

Then Olivia starts crying. I hold her in my arms and go into the kitchen to get her some milk.

"Well what does she look like. Odell look like he got strong genes so she got to look like him"

" Yea she does. I would send you a pic but she crying right now"

"Oh well you tend to her I will call you baby later Jay just dropped something and I got to go figure out what he dropped. He better not have dropped my vase. If he did imma need you to get me a lawyer cuz imma kill him"

" Alright girl I got you and go handle that"

After I get off the phone I try to tend Olivia. She just won't  stop crying.

So I decide to take her to Odell since he got her to quiet down yesterday.

" Odell" I say walking into the room.

I get in there to find he pushing the crib against the wall.

"Huh" he says turning around.

"Olivia wants you" I say.

He grabs her from me and she starts to quiet down.

I can already tell she is going to be a daddy's girl.

" That is your child"

" What you mean by that"

" Yall do the same thang. Both of yall like to have all the attention"

" Yea whatever. She my baby so it don't matter. And my son that is in yo stomach is going to be the same"

" How do you know it is a boy it could be a girl"

" Nawl a father knows his seed and I say it is going to be a boy "

" Alright then whatev you say"

" Yea" he says while putting Olivia in her crib.

Odell tells Ky'lee that he knew about Olivia

Ky'lee wasn't mad that he had a baby she was mad that he  didn't tell her

Olivia is a daddy's girl

Odell thinks the baby is going to be a boy

What do you think it is going to be

A Girl

A Boy

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Word Count: 967

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