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A year later

Ky'lee POV
Well today is OB3's first birthday. Odell finally got the Giants themed party he wanted.

My baby has grew up so fast. He is already 1. Times goes by fast.

Olivia just turn two last month and she is a hand full. She is starting to act more and more like Odell everyday.

As for Odell and I we still are in engaged. He wants OB3 to be able to participate in the wedding.

With OB3 bringing born we moved I into a bigger house. Since Odell felt like the other house wasn't being enough.

So he wants to wait till OB3 is two. So we haven't started the wedding planning.

So right now we are getting ready for the party.


"Yea baby"

"Can you go get Olivia"

"Here she go"

Olivia runs in the room and sits on my lap.


" Yes baby"

" Can I have a cookie"

"Not right now baby later when the party starts"

" Ok mommy"

" Yea now that you are in here let me do your hair"

Once I get finish with her hair I let her go play.

I go outside to see that a lot of people are have showed up.


I already know that is Quentorea. She tried to run but she can't seen she is 8 months pregnant.

" Que how has my niece been treating you"

" Girl she has been getting on my nerves. She won't stop kicking"

" Trust me I know how you feel."

" So what doesn't Jay let you do"

" Girl he won't let me wear heels, he won't let me eat fried chicken, I can only eat healthy foods, I can't be standing up for too long, I can't be out his sight for so long" she said.

As soon as she said that I seen Jay walking toward us.

Quentorea rolled her eyes as she seen he standing front of her.

" Come on Quentorea lets go sit down we don't won't your legs to give out and you fall"

"See this is what I am talking about" she mumbles as he drags her to a seat.

I look around the whole party to see everybody having a good time.

Expect I don't see Odell.

So I go into the house to look for him. I look in the all the bedrooms and I still don't see him.

So I decide to look out bedroom since I haven't checked in there yet.

When I try to open the door I realize it is locked.

We never lock our bedroom.

So something is going on.

I go into Odell's little man cave and I find spare key to the bedroom. That he keeps in there for emergencies.

Open the door to see something I never thought I would see.

Odell fucking another bitch in our bed.

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