Lunch At The DX

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At lunch I looked around the bustling
Cafeteria and I could clearly see the separation between the socs and Greasers.

In the middle of the two gangs were the sports teams. Which consisted of both Greasers and Socs. They were the only thing to stop fights breaking out.

I couldn't see anyone from Curtis gang anywhere so I sat down on an empty table.

Pony's POV

I had to talk to Soda. I just had to.
So as soon as the bell rang I ran out of class and straight down to the DX.

He was standing at a gas pump just chilling. I assumed that it was a slow day.

"Hey Pony, what you doing here... Darry will skin ya if he knows your ditchin'," Soda said looking at his watch.

"Nah I'm not ditchin' it's lunch,"I replied and sat down on the ground leaning against the pump he was standing at.

"Pony, it's not like you to come down here all by your lonesome. What's up?" he asked now sitting next to me.

"Alright, So do you remember Dally's cousin y/n?" I said.

"That pretty broad with the stitches, The one you couldn't take your eyes off. Of course kid," He replied nudging me playfully.

"So we're in the same English class and the only seat free for her was beside one of the socs from the Drive in. I was pissed man I was so tence. Then he kept pestering her-"

"Hold on your meaning to say that he was botherin' her and you did nothing." Steve interrupted from behind me. I didn't even notice him coming.

"Let the kid talk," Soda said and gestured for me to go on.

I told him the rest of the story and by the end of it I was grinning.

"I can't see the problem, so what you fell for a cool chick," Soda said confusedly.

"Yeah I looked around the class and saw all the other guys staring at her. I want to ask her out but I don't know how and you seem so confident all the time," I said rushingly.

"Kid, she likes you. I'll give you advice if you come here straight after your last class but you better get back before lunch ends," He responded. Soda hung his rag over his shoulder and turned me in the direction of school.

Kid Cousin - Ponyboy Curtis X !Winston ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now