The End

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3rd Person POV

"C'mon Pony, there's literally no one else left on the bus," y/n complained. The bus had drove outside the city of Tulsa and she was getting impatient.

"Um, we are close... I think," he replied unsurely.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "You've said that 10 stops ago," she mumbled.

About five minutes later, the bus driver opened the doors. "Lakeside," he announced

Ponyboy stood up "This is us," he grinned. He took his girlfriends arm and pulled her up.

They hopped off the bus and stood in a quiet neighbourhood.

Ponyboy looked around kinda lost "Uhhh, this way," he pointed left and started walking, dragging y/n with him.

Y/n looked at him doubtfully, hoping he knew where he was going. Ponyboy caught a glimpse at her expression and tried not to crack a smile, he couldn't believe that she was buying his horrible acting.

After wandering around for ten minutes y/n stopped. "Pony, tell me the truth. Are we lost?"

They had stumbled into a hilly area with loads of trees. "I-uh," he hesitated.

"Babe, I won't be mad if-" y/n started only to be cut off my Ponyboy shoving his hand in a bush.

He pulled out a radio "Oh. What's this?" he asked sarcastically.

He then walked over to a tree, where he had hidden a picnic basket.

"Look, someone left this here too," he opened the top and peered into it.

Y/n crossed her arms. "Man, you really had me fooled. When did you put that there?"

Ponyboy didn't respond but he jusr started to run over the hill. Y/n followed, struggling to catch up.

When she finally did, it took her a second to take in the surroundings.

They had come over a hill to a big lake, the not-too-warm autumn sun shone on the water. Children splashed eachother at the shallow end. A small store lay on the other side.

"The gang always come here in the summer, when the city heat is unbearable," Ponyboy smiled.

"It's beautiful," Y/n said, still taking it in.

"Yeah, it is. I have to bring you somewhere that matches your beauty. I'm still looking but this is the closest I could find," he flirted.

Y/n turned to look at him. "You don't have to charm me anymore yanno... But it sure is fun so don't feel obliged to stop," she giggled.

"Wasn't planning to," Ponyboy winked. He cringed slightly as he realised that he was turning into Sodapop.

They found a place to sit, in the shade of a willow tree and laid the picnic blanket out. Ponyboy pulled a paper bag out from the top of the basket.

"What's that?" y/n asked.

"Well I couldn't let you ruin your pretty dress now, could I?" he said and pulled out a light yellow bikini

"Cute. Did you get Sandy to pick this out?" y/n joked.

Ponyboy's face burned a bright red. "Maybe," he mumbled. "C'mon, there's bathrooms down at the lakeside store, we can get changed there,"

They walked into the shop where a tall, blonde girl around the age of 17 sat behind the till, reading a magazine. She looked up and smiled at Ponyboy.

"Hey, Pony. Where's the rest of them?" she asked.

Kid Cousin - Ponyboy Curtis X !Winston ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang