A Project On Jelousy

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Ponyboy's POV the next day
I woke up to Soda jumping on the bed. I started to hit him with my pillow. He reached for his and we fought for a solid 5 minutes until Darry walked in.

"Soda, I told you to wake him not invite him to a slumber party," he crossed his arms.

"Alright come on Pony, strongman here made bacon," Soda said and pulled me downstairs.

"Also, Two-Bit told everyone your gonna ask y/n out. That is if you don't chicken out today like you did yesterday," He whispered as soon as he pulled me into the kitchen.

"Does Darry know?" I asked.

"Does Darry know what?" Darry called from the sitting room.

"Shit, Soda what do I do," I whispered.

"Relax I'll handle this," He said and he turned around into the sitting room and continued "Oh, Pony's gonna ask y/n on a date,".

"SODA!" I exclaimed as I stormed in after him.

"Oh that, yeah I figured," Darry said and opened todays paper.

"So your not mad?" I asked confusedly.

"She might help you use your head once in a while so as long as you don't do anything you'll regret I don't mind, and if you hurt her Dally will skin ya,"he said, slightly chuckling.

I was dumbstruck.

We sat down and had breakfast.

Y/n's POV

I came into school today and saw a random boy at my locker. He looked tall and you could see he was definately a greaser.

"Hey, sorry that's my locker" I said. I'm not afraid of him.

"Yeah I know, I'm Curly... Curly Shepard," He said. He was very smugg and looked like trouble. He was a different kind of greaser to the ones I know.

"Could you please move I'm late for English? " I asked snappingly

"What you doing talking to Curtis," He said and blocked my locker even more.

"I'm afraid that's none of your business now please move before I make you move," I threatened.

"Like I'm scared of you. What's your name sugar," He laughed.
Pony's POV

I raced with Two Bit to see who would get from my house to the school the quickest. I won as per usual.

When I walked in I saw Curly and y/n at her locker. I couldn't see y/n's face, I also couldn't tell what they were talking about but I just came in and saw Curly calling her 'sugar' and laughing.

My stomach churned with a hatred for him. I thought It was stupid. Your mad at him for what? Getting closer to y/n in 5 minutes then I have got in 3 days? If this was what jealousy felt like then I hated it.

I knew I had to ask her out this second.
Y/n's POV
"The names Y/n Winston and you won't call me sugar if you know what's good for you," I narrowed my eyes.

"Uhh, Winston? I have to get to class. See ya Pony," He said and ran down the hallway.

"Pony?" I said to myself.

I turned around and my eyes met with the Same Green eyes that have been etched in my mind for the past couple of days.

"Oh hi Pony, what's up?" I asked with a smile as I opened my locker. Of course the thing about me being late for English was total bullshit, I just wanted to get rid of him.

"What were you doing talking to Curly Shepherd?" he asked. His jaw was tight.

"I was just trying to get him to stop bothering me. He's a total ass," I said as I slammed my locker shut.

He breathed out heavy and looked relieved. "Yeah, yeah he is," he said. "Hey, y/n I wanted to ask-" he started but the bell interrupted him.

"Pony I really want to know what you wanted to ask but we actually are gonna be late for English," I said. I grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hall.

Mr. Symes was explaining something when we arrived.

"Ah, Mr. Curtis and Ms. Winston if you sit down quickly I'm going to pretend I didn't notice your lack of punctuality," He announced.

Our faces flushed and we both sat down beside each other at the only table free.

"As I was saying... We are doing a project on Edgar Allen Poe and you have until Tuesday next to complete it. You can choose a partner or complete the task on your own," He babbled on more but I didn't hear the rest.

I turned my head before I gave it a second thought. "Want to work together Pony?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," He replied.

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