The Crumpled Page

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Pony's POV

After the shower I pulled on some old jeans and a grey t-shirt. I stood in front of the mirror with my hair wet and I was practicing how I would ask y/n out.

"Hey y/n, you and me with a picnic ill pick you up at 5. No I can't say that, Too controlling,"

"Hi, do you want to go on a date with me?... Wait no, Soda said not to tell her it's a date ," I said as I combed my hair back.

Just then Dally walked in and made me jump. Let's hope he didn't hear anything, he stood beside me.

"She's smart enough to get what you're trying to say,"  he said.

"Man, you heard all of that didn't you?" I said embarrassed.

"Yes. Yes I did," He replied and smirked at me.

"So your not gonna kill me for havin' a thing for your cousin?" As I said that my stomach churned.

"Nah, you can ask her out if you want, she might say yes" He replied.

He looked odly protective and I wondered if this was the side of Dally that y/n saw.

"People keep saying that but I really don't think so," I sighed and hung my head.

"I have something for you," He said and started to rumadge through his pockets.

"What?" I asked staring at him curiously.

He pulled a crumpled ball of paper out of his pocket and tried to flatten it without it ripping.

"I was at y/n's house right before I came here, to see how her first day was and I found this in a ball on her bed" he said as he handed me the heavily creased page.

I turned the page around and saw two words written in an elegant scrawl. 'Y/n Curtis' my face flushed as red as a stop sign and my stomach was like Soda doing flips when he was trying to show off.

"Um well, h-how do I know you didn't just write this to make me feel better?" I asked nervously.

"You Overestimate my handwriting kid, but hey compare the writing tomorrow in school if you don't believe me," he shrugged.

Dally popped the collar on the brown leather jacket that he always wore and strutted out of the room while I stood there speechless.

'Did y/n like me?' I thought stupidly only to reply to myself out loud 5 seconds later."Well obviously she does Pony if she's seeing what her name would look like if we were married,".

I rolled my eyes at my own idiocy and sighed down at the pile of homework I knew I wouldnt be able do start.

   Y/n's POV

I woke up at 7am with my head on my biology papers. When I tried to sit up straight my neck hurt.  "Ow, I really fell asleep here," I rubbed the back of my neck.

I got up and started to get into the same jeans as yesterday only to realise the shirt I wore yesterday was dirty. I groaned when I remembered that all my clothes were still in boxes and I was already late.

I dug through my school bag to find what I wanted. I pulled out Ponyboy's shirt and put it on. It smelled faintly of tabacco and mens cologne, even though I had washed it.

I ran downstairs, kissed my dad on the cheek and ran out of the house biting into an apple.

At school

I looked at my watch when I got to the block that the school was on and realised that I had 10 minutes until my First lesson. I slowed down and walked through the doors.

Ponyboy was standing at my locker instead of his and he smiled at me when he first noticed I was walking toward him.

"Hi y/n, where'd you get your shirt?" he asked sarcastically.

"Ok wise guy you tell me," I said back at him.

Just then the bell rang and that signaled me to go my first class, Maths.

"I've gotta go to maths class," I said with smile and walked down the hallway.

I turned back and noticed Ponyboy following me. I turned around to face him

"You're not in my Maths class," I asked suspiciously.

"Let's just say that you can pull alot of strings when the vice principal is also your track coach," he laughed quietly.

"So let's me get this straight you used your advantages as an athlete just to switch Into the Maths class of a girl you have known for 2 days," I said. I could feel my face getting warm.

"I suppose I did didn't I ," His face was almost as red as mine but he just kept walking.

Kid Cousin - Ponyboy Curtis X !Winston ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora