Church Fire

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(I have to write this from memory but I'm going to add things for effect)

"Look!" I pointed as we drove up to the church.

The desolate church was up in flames with smoke pouring from holes in the roof. Tounges of flame bust through the seared wood. What looked like a cub scout group was standing in manic crowd around the burning church, there was three visible chaperones with one crying is dispair.

"MY SON! MY PRECIOUS SON!" One woman had tears streaming down her face. That's when I realised that there were children still inside the church.

I looked at Johnny and saw that he thought the same thing. We leaped out of the car and darted into the flaming church.

Before entering the church, I tied my hoodie around my face, my Dad told me that it stops smoke from entering your lungs as quick. I turned to tell Johnny to do the same but he had already went into the church.

I saw Ponyboy running towards the church but before he could catch up to be I ducked into the fire. "Y/N!" I heard him shout.

The smoke was all I could see, it clouded my vision and I felt like I could taste it. I held my breath and stumbled past pews until I saw a group of children huddled in the corner. Johnny was trying to bust the weakened window when I saw Ponyboy run in.

I bent down to the kids "I'm Y/n, this is Johnny and that guy over there is Ponyboy," I pointed to the other two as I named them. "I know you're probably scared but we're gonna get you out of here, ok? Cover your mouth with your hand and we'll do the rest," I assured them and when Johnny got the window open, We started lifting them out.

After about three of the kids were out I started coughing. It was probably from talking so much. I decided the hoodie wasn't useful anymore so I thew it into the flames.

"You should get out!" Ponyboy shouted in worry. I looked over at Johnny and saw him staggering and coughing.

"No he should! You save the rest of the kids and get out. I'll help Johnny," I told him and ran to aid Johnny. I put one of his arms around my neck and brought him back the way we came in.

We were almost at the door when Johnny looked up and pushed me away from him. As I fell to the ground 1a flamming rafter collapsed on Johnny and he got trapped under it.

"JOHNNY!" I cried just as Dally ran in.

Dally tried to push the piece of flaming timber off of Johnny, I got up to help but found I was too weak. Then the coughing started again. I coughed so much that I heaved and when Dally noticed, he picked me up and hurled me out of the church. All I remember is sliding across the grass.


I woke up, disorientated in the back of an ambulance. As soon as I did , Burn was all I could feel. The pain covered my body and I hoped It wasn't serious.

A paramedic was there too, someone that I recognised from the hospital but don't know by name.

"Where's Dally?And Is Johnny alright?
Please tell me Ponyboy is safe, Oh god is he safe?" I paniced but immediately after started coughing uncontrollably.

"Try to remain calm Miss. you inhaled alot of smoke which will end up damaging your lungs permanently if you don't stabalise your breathing" the paramedic said slowly.

I knew that this was true because my Dad wouldn't shut up about fire safety after I left our oven on one time back in New York. Thinking about my Dad made me calm down because although he'll be angry that I skipped school, he would be the best doctor to care for Dally, Ponyboy and Johnny.

The rest of the ambulance ride to the hospital was spent in silence. I stared at the ceiling and listened to the sirens. I could hear other sirens and tried to count them, 3 ambulances in total.

3 ambulances ment that someone wasn't injured enough to need one of their own, or that they didn't make it. I shook the latter thought out of my head.

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