Hair Bleach

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My Dad leaves for work at 6:30 on the days that he doesn't do nights so I set my alarm for 6:00 and got dressed silently. I hid under my duvet until I heard his car drive off.

I climbed out of bed and ran downstairs. Before leaving, I decided to take some of the chocolate cake that I baked the night before to Johnny and Ponyboy. I wrapped two slices in cling film and then threw them in an empty backback.

I also put in yesterday's newspaper and 5$ cash. My Dad will be in work all day so I don't need to write him a note.

I locked the door behind me and walked down to Buck's. It took me a half an hour but Dally was waiting outside in his car when I got there.

"Hey kiddo," He said sleepily with a cancer stick hanging between his lips.

"Hey Dal, you look tired. Sure you can drive?" I joked.

"Mhm, I'll be fine once I-" A yawn interrupts him "Maybe it is a little early."

"Yes, It definately is... C'mon, Buck has gotta have coffee or something," I said and dragged him backed inside the bar that he often crashed at.

When we got into the small, cluttered kitchen, I immediately started rifling through the cupboards for a jar of instant coffee.

When I found it, I filled the kettle and brewed us a full mug each.

I put milk and a lot of sugar in mine, but Dally stopped me when I tried to sweeten his.

Dallas yawned and lifted the cup to his lips. He took a sip but immediately spit it out in the sink. I started laughing at him.

"EUCK, WHY IS THIS SHIT BITTER?" he gagged distustedly.

I had to grab on to the side of the worktop beacause I was laughing so much. "It's coffee, man. It's supposed to be bitter," I explained through laughs.

"HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT!" Dally turned on the tap and tried to rinse out his mouth.

"Wait, you've never drank coffee before?" I asked incredulously.

Dally looked at me and shook his head "Haven't needed to beacause I've never woke up at 6:30 IN THE MORNING."

I chuckled "Well that was your idea, man. C'mon you big baby let's go. I'll get you ice cream if you're a good boy," I mocked and walked back to the car.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny y/n," he said before following me.


We drove for a couple hours before reaching the 'Welcome to Windrixville' sign.

Dally stoped at the foot of this large hill with a battered church at the top of it. He hopped out of the car and started hiking up so I took off after him.

The church windows and door were boarded off so we had to find another way to get in.

"How on earth did they even get inside in the first place?" I scratched my head.

"Alright, split up. You take the back and take around here. We'll find something to break through these things," Dally commanded as he knocked on the wooden panels nailed  in where the windows used to be.

"Sir, yes sir," I saluted mockingly.

"How you have a boyfriend is beyond me," he shook his head and went to find a branch.

"How Johnny stayed with you this long is beyond me," I muttered I walked towards the back of the church.

There, I found a water pump and a back entrance, which led to a set of rickety stairs. One I found my way threw the cobwebs and into the main church, I got the pleasure of watching Dally was trying to break the window barricades.

"How'd you get in?" he asked, out of breath once he finally got inside.

"Back entrance..." I said, holding in a laugh.

"Wow, thanks for telling me instead of just sitting there watching me struggle," Dally rolled his eyes.

I looked down and saw Johnny sleeping in the pew in front of us.
Ponyboy must be asleep in different one but I couldn't see him.

I nudged Dally and pointed at his sleeping boyfriend. "You find Pony and I'll wake Johnny," I whispered.

Dally started to look down each pew so I crouched down and lightly shook Johnny. He started to stir.

"Ponyboy is that you?" he groaned, eyes still closed.

"No Johnnycake. It's me, y/n," I smiled.

Johnny quickly opened his eyes and hugged me before hesitating.

"Before you see Ponyboy, I just want to say that I'm sorry," Johnny told me guiltily.

"Uhh ok?" I agreed, not knowing what he meant.

I looked up and saw Dally standing at the end of one row. "Morning Blondie," He chuckled and pulled someone's hair.

"Nice to see you too, Dal," replied the voice I'd recognise anywhere.

Pony sat up and yawned. Now I can see what Johnny meant, his hair was bleached blonde with a butchered haircut.

"Oh lord, Ponyboy Curtis what have you done to yourself no?" I said trying not to laugh.

Kid Cousin - Ponyboy Curtis X !Winston ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now