Saying Goodbye

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Ponyboy's POV

I was cold and I threw up less than 10 minutes earlier. Johnny was walking beside me but neither of us said anything. Both of us had felt different things in the park. I had felt the fear of being drowned and Johnny felt rage and revenge, which led him to kill that soc.

We were walking to Bucks. There was a party going on and Dally was sure to be there. If anyone could help us out, it was Dally.

We walked up the rickety steps of the Bar. I could hear the drunken shouting coming from the inside. I lifted my fist and knocked on the door.

The door was opened by Buck. From the looks of him it wasn't the first time people was bothering him tonight.

"What?" he snapped.

"Uh we need to see Dally, I know he's here," I said shivering.

"Why is everybody obsessed with Dallas tonight ," he groaned.

"C'mon Man, say it's Ponyboy and Johnny. He'll come," Johnny convinced him.

He bit the inside of his cheek before giving in. "Alright, I'll get him. I think he's in his bedroom. Stay here," Buck said and closed the door.

We stood there waiting for a good two minutes until the door opened again. A sleepy Dally looked at us through squinted eyes.

"Why are you guys here?" he grumbled.

"J-ohnny killed a soc," I stuttered. I was getting colder and I was shaking.

"What? Don't say that too loud, man. C'mon in," he said and gestured for us to come inside.

The bar full of people playing pool and drinking. A couple of people were getting hot-and-heavy on a couch, two muscular men were throwing puches at each other near the bar. The smell of beer filled the air.

We went up a flight of stairs at the back of the bar and Dally led us to a door.

"You don't need to be quiet. She's a heavy sleeper," He said quietly before slowly creaking open the door.

I was wondering who 'she' is when I walked into the room and saw y/n fast asleep on the bed. She's always beautiful but her sleepy state makes her look so peacful. I want more than anything than to crawl under the covers and hold her forever but I know that can't happen right now.

I was still staring at her when a towel was thrown at my head. "You're gonna get pneumonia. Take your shirt off and I'll find you something to wear," Said Dally.

I took of the soaking sweater and wrapped the towel around me. I'm still freezing but it's a little better. Dally pulls out a huge cotton shirt and throws it at me.

"Here, It's Buck's so it might be a little big on you but at least it's warm," I shrug on the shirt and he's right, it is warm.

Dally is ruffling threw some drawers until he takes a heater and a wad of cash out. He loads the gun and sits down on the bed, being careful not to wake y/n up.

"Ok here's $50 and a gun. What I want you to do is to go down to the train tracks and catch the 3:15 to Windrixville, it's a frieght. Ask someone directions to Jay Mountain, theres a old church up there. At first light go into town and buy a weeks worth of food. The story won't be out in the paper yet. There is a water pump outback and whatever you do, don't go outside. I will be up as soon as the coast is clear, " Dally explained.

"ehem, correction. We will be up as soon as the coast is clear," Y/n sat up.

I didn't know how much she heard but I was happy that she was awake.

Y/n glared down at the heater in Dally's hand and then back up to his face.

"I don't even want to know why on earth you have that thing," she mutter.

"Ok, we'll keep the fuzz off you're backs for as long as we can," Dally ignored her statement.

"Wait... You really killed a soc?" y/n asked.

Johnny nodded.

"How long will they have to be hiding?" she asked Dally.

"I don't know, man. As long as it takes," Dally ran is fingers through his hair.

"Well in that case," she muttered and stormed up to me. She grabbed my face and pressed her lips to mine.

It was the first time that we'd ever kissed infront of anyone, let alone Dally.

But it wasn't the time for worrying about who sees us kiss. Who knows when I will get to kiss her again?

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. We only broke apart when I heard a cough coming from behind us.

We turned around to see Dally standing with his arms crossed looking at us.

"Damn, get it I guess," Johnny chuckled.

Your POV

They had to go right then so Dally and I agreed to walk them down to the train tracks.

The tension is the air is worse than the first time Dally got arrested. He was 10 and I was 6 but I would never forget it.

We walked out into the cold night and I was right beside Pony the whole way there. We got down to the tracks and hid behind a bush. The freight was already there. A door on one of the cars was open and there were security guards walking up and down the tracks with flashlights.

"As soon as they leave, we hop on," Ponyboy whispered.

"Alright," Johnny whispered back.

The guards walked away to check the rest of the cars. Ponyboy turned to me and kissed me quickly. Then him and Johnny ran to the the train car and climbed in.

Dally and I looked at the train before deciding to go. We snuck out behind the trees and up to the city again.

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