Glass Heart - Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Izuku walked out of the test grounds, Shouta, Hizashi and Hitoshi waiting to greet him.

"Hey kid! How did it go?" Hizashi asked.

"Well I didn't get eliminated, so..." Izuku said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He then went on to explain the test he just went through: he was thrown into a simulation where an earthquake had just occurred. He, among a few other - much older - people also trying for a hero license, had to try and rescue civilians - actors - who were hurt in the struggle. It's apparently something they're tested on every year, but since this was a specific case, there was no need to eliminate some of the people trying for licenses beforehand.

"That's something they do every year. It's practically the same test!" Shouta said, pausing Izuku's explanation.

"Then what stops people from cheating?" Hizashi asked.

Shouta frowned, raising a hand to his chin. "I'm not sure..."

"Why should it be bad if they cheat?"

Shouta and Hizashi turned to Izuku in confusion. Izuku giggled and continued. "I mean, if everyone knows morality and kindness are being tested then they'd do their best to excel at it - and we'd have more trained heroes in the aspects that truly matter! My test was based on a point system - if you fell below the margin you'd be eliminated. I don't think I got eliminated, but that's beside the point I'm trying to make here. It's a point system designed to test morality - if you believe figuring out they're testing morality and improving yours is classified as 'cheating', then I'd have to strongly disagree - as this 'cheating' is making better heroes long term."

The streets around them fell silent for a few moments, aside from the repeated zooming of cars, as Shouta, Hizashi and Hitoshi tried to come to terms with what Izuku just said.

"Wow, kid." Shouta was speechless. "You've thought more about this than Hizashi, Hitoshi and I combined." Hizashi and Hitoshi nod in agreement.

"Well someone had to..." Izuku muttered sheepishly, before continuing on with his explanation of the hero test.


"So, Izuku..." Hitoshi said as they lay in their beds that evening. "Have you put anymore thought into your hero name?"

"Hmm..." Izuku turned onto his back, away from Hitoshi's piercing stare. "I think I know what I want to call myself. I think I've always known."

He sighed and turned back on his side so that Hitoshi could see him. "I... I know you probably won't understand or agree with this, but..."

Hitoshi's eyes widened at Izuku's next words. "I... I want to be called 'Deku'."

"But... But that's what all our bullies call you!" He whispered, worried either of their dads were hearing. While they know the two of them are being bullied, and while they know there's really nothing that can be done because of the horrific society they live in, it's still best if not much attention is brought to it.

"I know!" Izuku replied harshly. "I get it. But 'Deku' as a hero name would mean more than a random generic name I'd give myself. 'Deku' shows that anyone - anyone - could become a hero. And it would show no matter how much you're pushed down by others to stay determined and to keep pushing yourself forwards - towards your bright future."


Hitoshi could see it.

The bright future Izuku dreams of making a reality. One where villains and horrific deaths would be a distant nightmare, where everyone could live together in peace and harmony. Written down... it just sounds like a basic fairy-tale. But, when Izuku tells it...

... it sounds like a captivating reality.

"You want to be called 'Deku'...?" Hitoshi repeated. "... Because you want to be a positive model for people like us?"

Izuku smiled. "Yes. A bullied, quirkless, worthless child like myself becoming a hero would prove to everyone that quirks don't matter - what truly matters is mind, belief, and love."

Hitoshi's eyes shone with stars.

"I want to make a new reality." Izuku continued.

"A... new reality?" Hitoshi repeated.

"A reality where no one is ridiculed for how they're born. Regardless of your race, gender, sexuality, quirk, and other important traits that make each and every one of us unique and special... no one should be treated differently. Ever. I think out of everyone in the world, we'd be one of the best examples of this, hey, Hitoshi?" Izuku's voice had broken back down to a whisper, and he'd begun crying.

"I - Izuku!" Hitoshi loudly whispered, before climbing out of his bed, and climbing into Izuku's. Hitoshi hugged his brother. "Are you alright?"

"Y - yeah." Izuku replied, slight tear stains remaining on his face. "I just... saying all this out loud... I know it's truly what I want to devote the rest of my life to. Not just 'being a hero', not even just 'saving people' - but, instead, I want to... to..."

He sat back up in his bed and glanced down at Hitoshi.

"I want to rewrite reality and create a new future."

"A... a new future?" Hitoshi was lost.

"I want to create a future for generations beyond us. A future full of equality... a future full of acceptance... a future full of love."

Hitoshi felt his mind wander to what could be. People playing together, regardless of any differences. True harmony. True peace. True equality.

A truly hopeful future.

Hey! New chapter is out!

Okay, I know I mayyy have stretched it, but I really wanted to show how important and how much Izuku believes in his mindset - and how badly hee really wants this dream of his to come true. He's smart like Nezu - he's thinking long term here.

And yes, Izuku's hero name is Deku. I know, it's overused, overrated, etcetera, but this is something I'm not budging on, so I'm sorry but it's sticking. I tried to explain why I used it in the chapter - because here, Deku MEANS something - but I can still understand if you don't likeke it. However I'm noot changing it.

Anyway. I am now going straight to bed - I have been writing for about three hours straight (sixx if you include the time I spent in the middle having dinner - so probably 5 and a half hours total? - but threeee hours straight). It's the 9th of January, I'm tired, it's 9pm and I normally go to ebd at 8:300000................. urghhhhhh okay, almost over XD

OKy, okay.


I;m good, just a biiiiit tired. hahaha.hahaha.


I;m going to bedd befoge this all gtuibres out weirxd.

Night geevryine!

But for npww...

Peacvhy out! 😊


PEACHY FROM THE FUTURE HERE (I write about two chapters in advance) - sorry about that. It's funny so I'm gonna keep it in, but honestly don't worry about me, I'm doing okay!! Also we reached over 10K! That's amazing guys, thank you so much for your support! :D

Okay now I'm gonna go again and get back to writing XD

But for now AGAIN XD...

Peachy out! 😊

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