Glass Heart - Chapter Five

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"Hi Midoriya! I'm Tsukauchi, and I wanted to talk to you about a few things." Tsukauchi said to Izuku, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Would that be alright with you?"

"Umm... D - do I have to answer... every question?" Izuku mumbled, fiddling with his hands.

"Of course not!" Tsukauchi said, elated that Izuku didn't flat out refuse. "However, I do have a quirk that will tell me whether you're lying or not."

Izuku perked up. "Oh! Is it that you can just tell lies, or can you sense the truth instead? Does your heart rate increase, or does something hurt when someone lies, or do you just know, like a buzzer in a TV show? This would be so useful for hero work - it makes interviewing criminals a piece of cake, not to mention how useful it'd be in the courtroom." Izuku paused from his rambling. "Wait... are you interviewing me because... y - you think I'm a c - c - criminal??" Tears sprouted from Izuku's eyes, and Shouta tried to hide his smirk as Chiyo darted between consoling Izuku and berating Tsukauchi. As long as it's not him, Chiyo's anger was always fun to watch.

"Midoriya you're not being interviewed because we think you're a criminal!" Tsukauchi blurted while trying to run from Chiyo. "You're being interviewed because we need to make sure you've got a positive mindset before we send you home."

"Home..." Izuku paused, deep in thought, and then suddenly froze. "Home! How long has it been? What's the time?"

"It's just gone 9:30pm."

"... what?" Izuku muttered softly, face going blank. Hisashi would know. Izuku should have been back by now. He should have been back hours ago. Izuku had no idea what would happen to him if he went back home now. He could try sneaking through his window, but what if Hisashi already checked his room?


He'd be so angry, he probably yell, maybe do worse. Last time Izuku was this late... He didn't even want to remember it. And Hisashi said he'd been let off with a 'warning'. What would happen now that he'd already been warned?


He didn't want to think about it, but his mind started relaying through possibilities, scenarios, significant outcomes. He could be beaten, cut, thrown, kicked...

What if he used the box?!



Glancing back up, he stared into the worried face of Eraserhead.

"E - Eraser... head?"

"Kid, are you okay?"

Izuku glances down at himself. "I... think so? W - What... happened?"

"Kid, you had a panic attack. Have you seen your nails?"

Izuku looked at his nails and noticed a dark substance in them.

"What's this?" He asked, picking at it.

Shouta simply sighed and grabbed a nearby mirror.

"Midoriya, look at your face." He frowned, disappointment clear in his voice. Izuku flinched away but took a quick glance.

His forehead was encased in blood. During his panic attack, Izuku had began scratching at his forehead and cheeks. His cheeks just had rough grazes, but his forehead wasn't so lucky. Blood trickled down his forehead, encasing his

"We were hoping you'd be able to be released today, but the questions will just have to wait." Chiyo sternly told Izuku - and the others, glaring at the adults who were desperate to interview Izuku and solve the mystery, as if daring them to contradict her judgement. "Now come here dearie, so I can kiss you. After that, you'll need to go back to bed."

"But-!" Izuku tried to protest, but Chiyo was already kissing him on the back of his head (to avoid his injuries). Within seconds, Izuku felt to tired to keep sitting up, and flopped back down on the bed, almost immediately falling asleep.

"Now he's asleep..." Hizashi said, whispering to make sure Izuku stayed asleep (Shouta was honestly impressed by his whispering), "I need you guys to read this."

He reached into one of Izuku's shoes and pulled out a small strip of paper.

"It looks to be a note." He remarked. Shouta resisted the urge to roll his eyes and snatched the paper out of his hands.

"Hey!" Hizashi exclaimed.

"Shut up and let me read." Shouta blatantly told him.

He unfolded the paper and internally as he read, he imagined Izuku's voice:

Dear whomever reads this (I'm assuming police or a hero),

My name is Izuku Midoriya.

I'm Quirkless.

I could probably just stop there, and you'd all understand, but I don't really think you do. I didn't kill myself (Shouta was shocked at the bluntness of the letter) because I was upset I didn't get a quirk like everyone else. It's because of the actions of society. I pray a hero finds this letter, as the police are as corrupt as everyone else. Most heroes are corrupt too, but there's a select few that have been untouched by the harsh presumptuous views of the world. My favourite hero used to be All Might, but recently it changed to Eraserhead. He's so cool.

I only wish I got to meet him before I died.

Anyway, even if I never get to be a hero, I hope you all understand the problems in society today and try to change your ways. Please.


Shouta lifted his head from the paper, tears in his eyes.

"I fucking swear on my life," he declared, "that this kid will be a hero - the greatest hero the world has ever known."

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. This is chapter five! Now that it's out, I can start publishing chapters. Today is a Wednesday, but I told myself to stick to Sundays, to avoid overworking myself. But since it's half term right now, I'm sure I can afford to break out of the schedule for the very first chapter? I'm so excited to show you all this series! I mean you won't know that until this chapter comes out - which is the only downside of most pre-writing stories - but I'm still so excited! I'm actually hoping to write at least one more chapter this half term, which will be nice. If I can do that, then I'll be really happy.

PEACHY FROM THE FUTURE: Hey guys. So just letting you all know, I only have one other chapter fully written. I'll do my best to get on top of it, however with everything that's going down in my life currently, there's a chance I'll fall behind on updates. For now, it's not a worry, however it could be if I can't get an update written within the next two weeks. And also, thanks for your support! With everything going on, writing has been one of my only outlets. I appreciate all your support 😊

But for now I'm gonna go.

I really hope you like my new series.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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