Glass Heart - Chapter Forty-Six

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"This is like the third new house this year..." Izuku sighed, as he entered their new home. They couldn't stay at their other house after the LOV found them there! However since they couldn't move too far away from UA, they headed closer back to Izuku's childhood neighbourhood.

Izuku wasn't too happy about this development, but recognised it was necessary to move to stay away from the LOV. They also had to change schools - and since his old school had been... closed... they had to go to a completely different school.

"What if Kacchan is going to be there?" Izuku asked Hitoshi frantically, shaking as they walked to their new school. "All the students from my old school had to find new schools, so..."

"Shouta could only pick between this one and another because only those two are in walking distance - the other school is closer to your neighbourhood, so this... Kacchan-"

"Katsuki Bakugou."

"... you're still calling him by a nickname?"

"... it's stuck! I can't call him anything else, just clarifying his name to you felt weird!"

"O - Okay... anyway, Bakugou probably went to the other school. This school is more expensive and fancier anyway, which Dad and Papa Zashi can afford because they're pro heroes and teachers. I doubt Bakugou can-"

"Oh nooooooo." Izuku sighed, covering his face with his hands. Hitoshi glanced at Izuku confused, and Izuku pointed to a figure in front of him.

"... You've got to be kidding." Hitoshi muttered, as the boy Izuku pointed at turned around, eyes wide.


"Hey... K - Kacchan..."


... Well this was awkward.

As Izuku, Hitoshi and Katsuki walked to school together, Hitoshi reached out, and held Izuku's hand in comfort, adjusting their walking so he was standing between them both.

"Are you not turning here?" Hitoshi asked Katsuki, gesturing to the turn he'd need to take if he was going to the closer school.

"No, I'm going to the other one." Katsuki huffed out in return.

"O - Oh..." Hitoshi muttered, as Izuku's hand tightened in his. "So... we're going to the same school then..." If I killed him, could I still go to UA?

"I guess so."

As they neared the front gates, Izuku felt himself tense up. He and Hitoshi had discussed him faking a quirk just to manage through the last two years of school, but with Katsuki here, that would be impossible. And... even with the school being fancier, Izuku doubted the teachers would care more.

And it's just him and Hitoshi. They'd be all alone with no one to help defend them-

"Izuku? Hitoshi?"

Izuku flushed. It couldn't be...

"S - Shoto?"

Shoto walked away from the gates and up to Hitoshi, Izuku and Katsuki. "Hello."

"Shoto!" Izuku shouted, wrapping him in a hug. "I didn't realise you went to school here! What class are you in?"


Izuku gasped. "Same! Hitoshi and I are going to be in that class! That's amazing!" He smiled widely, finally starting to feel happy and safe. He knew Shoto - and Shoto cared about them both. He wouldn't let anything happen to them.

Katsuki glanced at Shoto as Izuku hugged him. "Uh, who're you?"

Shoto glanced back at him, apprehension in his gaze, as he felt Izuku tense in his arms. "I'm Shoto Todoroki." He turned back to Izuku, breaking out of the hug. "Come on Izuku, Hitoshi. I'll show you to our classroom."

Izuku took Shoto's offered hand gratefully and walked past Katsuki. Hitoshi followed them, throwing a small smirk at Katsuki as they walked past. Shoto didn't let go of Izuku's hand, instead holding it tighter, scouting the hallways, trying to keep them safe.

"Shoto, I'm quirkless." Izuku whispered. "You know this. Hitoshi has a brainwashing quirk. In all of our previous schools we've been badly bullied."

"Well you wont be this time." Shoto responded sharply. He paused, then turned to face Izuku. "Is that who that other kid was? Is that why you were so afraid?"

Izuku turned away from Shoto's gaze, his silence confirming Shoto's suspicions. His eyes narrowed. "Well then. I'll make sure he doesn't go anywhere near you."

Shot paused by their classroom, pushing open the door. To make seats easier, the teacher seemed to have already set them, placing name cards on the tables. Apparently two people have to share a desk. "Where's your names?" He asked Izuku and Hitoshi, and they went searching for their names. Luckily, no students have entered the classroom yet, as the bell wouldn't ring for another five minutes.

"Here! Next to you, Shoto!" Hitoshi called, pointing to a desk in the back. "Next to me is Izuku! Isn't that lu- oh..."

"What's that 'oh' for, Hitoshi?" Izuku asked, heading to the back of the classroom, and spotting who he was sitting next to. "Oh. You have GOT to be kidding me."

He was sitting next to Katsuki.

Of course.

Hiya! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter.

Small time skip, as Izuku and Hitoshi are now both 13, and in a new school year. They've now moved to a new house, to stay away from the LOV. However this means that now Izuku is back in contact with Katsuki. Yay.

Next chapter will be continuing this! Hope you guys are looking forward to it.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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