Glass Heart - Chapter Forty-Seven

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"Hell no." Shoto said, a dark expression on his face, making Izuku and Hitoshi jump slightly. Yes Hitoshi swore in his spare time, but they didn't expect those words - and such an angry expression - to occur from such a usually calm and balanced person.

Without saying another word, Shoto picked up the cello-taped piece of paper which said 'Katsuki Bakugou' on it, digging his nails under the secure tape in order to remove it efficiently. He then moved over to his own name.

"Hitoshi, you don't mind if I swap Bakugou's name with mine? I thought it might be better for Izuku to have us either side of him, but that'd mean..."

Instead of looking annoyed, Hitoshi was instead smiling slyly, his hands on his desk and his fingers wrapped together - aside from both his index fingers, which were pressed against his lips. "Oh, please, go ahead."

Izuku's mind went back to last night, when he was playing a popular murder mystery game series - he was playing the third instalment with Hitoshi. He had said Hitoshi was similar to one of the main characters - who had purple hair and wore a long white coat. Hitoshi at the time had denied it, but in that moment Izuku could really see the similarity.

And he feared for Katsuki's life.

"Uhh, guys, umm..." Izuku trailed off, noticing their... enthusiastic faces. "Maybe, uhh... let's just leave the names as they are-"

"No." They both interrupted him in unison.

"... okay then..." Izuku squeaked, and went to sit in his seat, as Hitoshi dug up Shoto's name, and swapped Shoto's name with Katsuki's, before sticking Katsuki's name down where Shoto's used to be. "Just... don't physically hurt him, okay Hito? You need a clean record to get into UA..."

"I'll consider it." Hitoshi smirked, as the bell rang, and students began to enter.

"Alright class, it's lovely to meet you all! Please sit down in the seats I've assigned you." The teacher said, walking in. She spotted Shoto wasn't in the correct place and frowned slightly but decided to ignore it.

"She's had me in her class before." Shoto muttered to Izuku and Hitoshi as an explanation. "I never normally misbehave in her classes, so she has no reason to call me out."

Izuku and Hitoshi nod in return, watching carefully as each student enters. Eventually they spot Katsuki, and Izuku points him out once again, just so Shoto and Hizashi properly recognise him.

"His hair looks like he shoved a fork in an outlet..." Hitoshi grumbled.

"Agreed." Shoto responded, frowning, as Izuku struggled to keep his laughter silent. "You could also say he looks like those fluffy dogs... what are they called...?"

"Pomeranians?" Izuku sputtered, clutching at his sides, and finally letting out his bellows of laughter.

Finally noticing them, the Pomeranian stomped over, as everyone else was heading to their seats and greeting each other, stopping in front of Izuku's desk.

"Hey, what's so funny, De-"

"Finish that sentence and I cut you." Shoto interrupted, his left hand starting to freeze in anticipation as the temperature dropped. Katsuki growled in return but said nothing else, stomping away.

"Hey. Where are you going?" Hitoshi called over to him, a small smirk on his face.

"To my desk, eye-bags."

"Yeah? Well your desk is also my desk, fluffy freak. Now sit down so the lesson can start." Hitoshi replied, eye twitching in irritation, as he pointed to the seat next to his, where Katsuki's name lay. Hitoshi's smirk only grew wider when Katsuki froze, and his face whitened a few shades.

Izuku leaned across from his desk to Hitoshi and whispered in his ear.

"You are just like that guy from the video game we played last night."

"But I don't usually wear white - especially not something super long like what he wears!" Hitoshi replied, laughing slightly.

"Oh, so it's going to be like that, huh?" Izuku responded, saving that information for later. "Okay. I'll play your game."

Now I sound like him too... Izuku thought to himself, shaking with laughter. This morning had gone amazingly so far, and with Hitoshi between him and Katsuki, Shoto being ready to protect him at any time, and his dads ready to destroy another school - or uhh, transfer him to another school - if he said the word, he genuinely felt safe.

For the first time since he turned four years old, he felt safe at school. Glancing at Hitoshi made Izuku realise he felt the same way. Shoto's expression didn't appear to have changed, but Izuku can see more warmth and care in his eyes than there were the first time they met.

Now he just had to figure out how to stop everyone in the school from figuring out that Izuku's quirkless, or his snow globe of shelter, calm and peace might just shatter.

Hiya! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

Oh, and anyone who gets the reference - there ARE specific people I'm keeping an eye out for to get this - gets a cookie! :D

I'm listening to the game's soundtrack right now, it's stuck in my head, so I had to make a reference - besides, how can Hitoshi NOT be like *that* person right now? XD

Okay, back to the story:

Next chapter will... probably be continuing this, maybe start the small angst I have planned, but I'm not entirely certain yet. The small angst should either be next chapter or the chapter after - and it's small so don't worry.

Okay! I guess I'll see you all again soon!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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