Glass Heart - Chapter Sixty-Six

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Izuku fiddled with his hands, glancing at Nezu confused, before glancing back down at his hands, then back to Nezu, then back to his hands once again. The clock ticked onwards, and the longer the silence continued, the more Izuku felt like he was going to burst from stress alone. Was this some sort of game to Nezu?

Nezu - sensing Izuku's growing frustration - coughed gently and decided to begin the meeting. "Now Izuku, you're probably slightly concerned over why I called a meeting, instead of us having a discussion during one of our usual talks."

Izuku refrained from backchatting the principle and remained silent. The meeting couldn't last long - he was dressed in his hero clothes, ready to go on patrol as soon as the meeting between them ended - so he was sure Nezu would get to the point eventually.

Nezu nodded. "I'm here to talk to you about the entrance exam." Izuku paused, and leaned closer, paying more attention to his principle's words. "As our first quirkless hero and our first quirkless teacher - thank you for agreeing to that by the way-"

Izuku decided he should interrupt Nezu this time. "I haven't completely decided! And even so, it wouldn't be until I was at the right age to go to UA in the first place - not for another couple years yet!" He felt flustered, he didn't want to be pressured into becoming a teacher, he hadn't fully decided yet. "A - And what do you mean 'entrance exams'?"

The clock continued to tick in the distance, as Nezu took a sip of his tea and placed it back on the table with a soft clink. "You of all heroes here, know better than most at how our school isn't incredibly adaptive to those with mental - or no - quirks. Therefore, I wanted to present you with some options I had come up with for the entrance exam - on the condition you tell no one about these plans. We wouldn't want to spoil anyone."

"Ah - okay." Izuku nodded, and mentally prepared himself to listen to Nezu's ideas. For a little under ten minutes, Izuku sat quietly and listened to Nezu as he explained his theories and ideas, trying to decide which was the best one.

However... from multiple specific tests to general tests, to sparring, to just using written tests to decide... none of them seemed like they'd work. Izuku felt like... none of these exams seemed fitting of UA.

"So that's your thoughts, Izuku?" Nezu muttered, and Izuku clapped his hands over his mouth in shock. He went to apologise, but Nezu interrupted him. "It's alright, I'm happy to know your true thoughts." He sighed and leaned back into his chair, glancing at Izuku. "Do you have any alternate ideas?"

Izuku tilted his head to the side, a wide smile on his face.

"But of course."


Izuku stretched widely, a soft smile on his face, as he jumped into his room after his patrol, the conversation from earlier still on his mind. Hopefully now, the entrance exam would be more interesting, and - more importantly - fairer on students. Giving all students a chance to prove their worth, trying to show they're worthy of becoming heroes, regardless of quirks. The exam didn't just need to test their quirks - it also had to test their character.

Hopefully now, everyone will get a fair chance.

He sighed, pulling his phone out from his pocket to see if there were any new messages. He noticed there was a new message from Shoto and swiped to unlock his phone to check it, glancing out of the window as he did so. The end of March was approaching, and the warm air brushed against the back of his neck, as he watched the leaves flow against the wind in the trees.

"Hm? Shoto is... asking me to meet him after school tomorrow." Izuku mumbled to himself, pulling out his phone. The thought of spending extra time with Shoto - even though he often did that anyway - made his cheeks heat up. The last time they had properly spent time alone together was when they went to the cinema a few weeks ago - since then they'd seen each other normally at Izuku's house after school, with Hitoshi and their parents - sometimes even Katsuki hung around with them.

He had been struggling to work up the courage to ask Shoto out, but maybe this would be his chance...? No - no, not yet. He had to plan it ahead, make sure it was perfect!

... a small part of himself held onto the hope that his dream - Shoto confessing to him instead of the other way around - would come true.

He sent a text agreeing to Shoto's request and headed to Hitoshi's room to tell him what was going on and asked if it was okay if Hitoshi walked home by himself. Hitoshi agreed, and wished Izuku 'good luck'... whatever that meant.

Hitoshi was weird sometimes.

Izuku put in some wireless earbuds and listened to music as he took off his hero clothes and put on pyjamas, headed downstairs to feed Luna, and headed back upstairs to do homework Nezu had set for him.

At this point, the teachers didn't even talk to him in class anymore - since in class he didn't even do the work the teachers were teaching them - preferring to do the work Nezu had set him. He already knew the work the teachers were trying to teach him anyway, and if asked, he could easily solve any equation asked - courtesy of Nezu's teaching.

Similarly, the students had begun to ignore Izuku as well, which stung a little, but he was able to brush it off. Hitoshi's quirk hadn't yet been revealed, so only Izuku was being shunned for the moment, which was something he was wrongfully relieved about. He had hoped the presence of Deku would've decreased discrimination against quirkless students but... that wasn't yet the case.

Izuku sighed. He needed more presence. More influence. More freedom to speak the truth.

He needed to become a UA teacher.

Hi! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Yes, there's going to be some TodoDeku next chapter!!! I think you all know what's happening next chapter :D

Anyways, I'm struggling with the entrance exam - I'm doing my best to hype it up, but I'm really struggling to think of decent ideas haha XD

Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out.

One more thing! Unrelated to this story, but I just started a new fanfiction called The Final Truth. It's a Saiouma/Oumasai fanfiction, similar to my other Komahina stories. Check it out if you'd like! :D

See you guys again soon!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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