Glass Heart - Chapter Fifty

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"So, Aizawa." A couple students strolled up to him. "What's your quirk?"

Izuku smiled, turning to him. "An analysis quirk - I call it 'Breakdown', simple, I know. I basically can figure out a person's quirk and discover weaknesses and strengths in them. The more a person shows me of their quirk, the better analysis I can give them, providing a full - breakdown - of their quirk."

The same student who asked him about his quirk whistled. "Wow, that's cool. That sounds useful - you could be a good hero teacher."

Izuku smiled warmly. "Thanks!" Katsuki raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, making Hitoshi, who was watching him, breath out slowly and turn his head away, glancing back at Izuku and Shoto with a small, strained smile.

"Are you okay, Hitoshi?" Shoto said quietly, as Izuku and the other students continued to chat.

"Yeah, I'm just... keeping track of a certain someone's actions." Hitoshi loudly proclaimed, and Katsuki flinched, making his smirk grow wider.

Izuku turned his head. "You know, you really are like that murder mystery character. Part of me doubts everything you say now - you know he's a compulsive liar."

Hitoshi laughed. "Are we really going to talk about this now?"

"Why not? Christmas holidays start next week - I've been making preparations."

"... Preparations?" Hitoshi regretted ever seeming like that purple midget. He turned to point at Shoto. "If I have to suffer, can't he, too?"

"Oh don't worry, I've already ordered some... amazing things for Shoto." Izuku said, trying to hold in a small giggle. "Shoto, can you play piano?"

"... a bit?"

"Oh, this is amazing!" Izuku laughed, clutching at his sides. "This is perfect! I can't wait!" Tears left Izuku's eyes in streams, as Izuku laughed harder than he had in a while. This was the first time since meeting Shouta that he had kept secrets from his family - and while normally Izuku would be upset about keeping secrets, but this one... this one is simply good fun.

"Everyone! Settle down!" The teacher called, walking into the classroom, signalling the end of break. "Let's begin the lesson now."

Izuku stopped paying attention as soon as he entered - the lessons he was doing on the weekends with Nezu already being years ahead of his other students - and went back to his preparations.

... He needed to order more things from Amazon.


"Finally! The end of the day!" Izuku sighed, leaning back in his chair. "The lessons today were so boring!"

"Well that's to be expected from our very own genius student!" A student said, as they passed Izuku's desk to leave.

Izuku laughed slightly, "Haha, yeah, umm... genius." Honestly? This whole 'quirk' business was already starting to wear him out - he really didn't like lying to anyone - especially his classmates. Hitoshi seemed to be feeling the same way, and yet the other students rarely talk to him - Hitoshi giving off a 'don't you dare talk to me' vibe.

He sighed. Tomorrow, he'd have another class with Nezu - he'd almost beaten him at chess a couple times, but so far, he'd never won a single match. And it had been almost 4 years! Maybe tomorrow would be the day. Izuku doubted it, but he'd never give up. One day, he'd beat Nezu.

As the final classmates left, Shoto leaned his head on Izuku's shoulder.

"S - Sho?" Izuku asked, his face heating up. Hitoshi snickered, then began to gather up his school equipment and place it into his backpack, doing the same with Izuku and Shoto's desks once he realised they'd be there a while.

"Zuku, I..." Shoto trailed off, sighing, and relaxing further. After a small, peaceful moment of quiet, he slowly got up, his face flushed red. "Never mind. Can I walk you home?"

"Don't you always?" Izuku replied, laughing slightly. "Besides, I need to fill you in on my secret plan. The one I was thinking of this morning - you're probably going to not enjoy your role, so I figured I'd at least give you some warning."

He leaned closer to Shoto and whispered something in his ear. Shoto sighed in return, and glanced at Hitoshi, before turning back to Izuku. "Of course."

Izuku winked, slyly placing a finger to his lips, glancing at Hitoshi. "What more would you expect from me?" He glanced out the window and saw a figure standing by the gates. He sighed, and stood up, grabbing his backpack. "Thanks Hitoshi for packing my bags. I need to go ahead of you guys, but I'll catch up later." He paused. "Actually, let's meet at our usual spot. Hitoshi, could you text Dad for me, and say that we're going to the café?"

Hitoshi nodded. "What will you be doing? Will you be safe?"

"Yeah, I'll be safe." Izuku replied, hurrying out of the room faster once he noticed the figure getting annoyed. "I'm just... catching up with someone."

Izuku could hide nothing from Hitoshi. "I swear to sleep if it's that fork-socket freak, I-"

"Hitoshi!" Izuku shouted back. "I'll be fine. Trust me, okay?"

Hitoshi looked down, annoyed that he upset Izuku. "I know, I trust you. But."

He and Shoto both turned to look at Izuku, Hitoshi's hair menacingly clinging to his neck, and Shoto's left hand ominously freezing up. "If he dares harm you in any way, you won't be able to hold us back."

"... o - okay..." Izuku muttered, eyes wide in slight fear. "I'll umm... be going now..."

Maybe seeing him wasn't the best plan, but Izuku had to talk to him.

He had to talk to Katsuki, and finally get some proper closure.

Hi everyone. You may be wondering 'Hey! Where's that Katsuki thing you may have mentioned in your comments on the last chapter?' well plans change, especially when I wrote half the chapter completely forgetting that I intended for it to be in Bakugou's perspective, and not Izuku's. Oh well.

Also YES, I know I'm diverting off plot again, and I'm sorry. But this 'surprise' is happening for multiple reasons. The most selfish reason being because I genuinely wanna write it so bad - I talked to a friend on Discord and he seemed interested, so... hopefully you guys enjoy it, even if you don't understand this now out of control reference.

Okay, this time I'll give a brief outline of the next chapters, so you can properly anticipate them:

Next chapter will be Izuku and Bakugou. The chapter after that (at least two chapters, maybe three, maybe even four) will be on the Christmas holidays - I decided I at least wanted to write more fluff between Shouta, Hizashi, Izuku, Hitoshi and Shoto before moving on with the plot in any case - and more specifically, on the surprise.

I'm looking forward to writing this.

Anyway, I'm super tired, so I'm gonna head to bed now. Even though this may not be a super interesting chapter, I hope either way you enjoyed reading it. And hey - fifty chapters! Wow! We made it to fifty... feels so weird, haha. I honestly am starting to think this series might extend past 100 chapters, because this plot has extended so far... I guess we'll see!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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