Glass Heart - Chapter Forty-One

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The doorbell chimed loudly, and Izuku gasped, jumping back slightly in surprise. "Ouch!" He muttered, the back of his head knocking against Hitoshi's.

He was here.

Izuku nervously clutched at his right arm using his left hand, watching Shouta's every movement towards the door. He had considered locking Hizashi in the bedroom, but... even with the risk of him becoming incredibly embarrassing, it would be too cruel to separate him from the family.

Besides, a small part of him wanted Shoto to get along with all his family members. If they did end up dating - Izuku's cheeks got red at the thought - and Shoto didn't like his family... then Izuku may have a severe problem with him.

Izuku shook his head, apologising to Hitoshi about bumping into him before doing so, trying to get that overwhelming anxiety out of his head. He'd cross that bridge if they ever came to it. Izuku just hoped that wouldn't ever happen.

The door opened. It opened so slowly Izuku felt like he'd aged decades. He moved slowly towards the door, each step feeling like a crashing echo. His breath hitched in his throat. How could be feel so nervous, so scared, for something that in the end didn't even matter long term? It was one night, one dinner.

So why was he so afraid?

"Hey." Shoto greeted. Izuku's forehead furrowed slightly, his anxieties rising.

"H - Hi..." Izuku greeted. He was probably just nervous because he overheard Hizashi tell Shouta his plan to show Shoto pictures of Izuku from when he was younger... he should just ignore it. Shouta and Hizashi were both in the kitchen at that moment, probably trying to give Izuku and Shoto some privacy. "Dinner is almost ready."

Shoto's face flushed slightly, which made Izuku want to step back. "Do you... do you mind if I sit next to you?" He asked Izuku. The feeling of fear overwhelmed him, and Izuku gave into his desire to run away.

"Y - No?" Izuku replied. "Just... give me a minute to talk with my brother, please." Shoto nodded, and Izuku headed towards Hitoshi.

"What are you - hey!" Hitoshi gave Izuku a concerned glance, as Izuku yanked Hitoshi up the stairs and into his bedroom. "We shouldn't leave guests in the living room like that."

"I..." Izuku's breath felt faint, as his nervousness slowly disappeared. "I'm so anxious... and I don't know why, Hito! S - something is going on. I'm sure of it."

Hitoshi's face grew more serious. "Alright. I'll go talk to Dad, you keep an eye on Todoroki. If it came down to it, you'd be a lot better at protecting Todoroki than I would be. And you wouldn't have to worry about me because I'd be with Dad and Papa Zashi."

Izuku nodded. "Alright, I'll keep Shoto safe!"

Izuku headed back down, his nervousness increasing with every step. He paused at the bottom of the staircase, afraid to move any further. Glancing behind him to see Hitoshi, his resolve strengthened, and he moved towards the living room - towards Shoto.

"I have to protect Shoto..." Izuku muttered to himself, stepping into the living room. As Shoto spotted him, he gave Izuku a small wave and smile, Izuku awkwardly smiling in return. "Hey Shoto. Do you want me to put on a movie?"

"Shoto...?" Shoto whispered, turning to Izuku. "Yeah... Izuku... whatever movie you'd like!"

"Alright..." Izuku replied, putting on a Disney movie Shoto had told him he liked last time he visited him as Deku. Izuku has gotten to a point where he makes sure to visit Shoto once a week as both Deku and Izuku - so at least twice a week.

He sighed, raising a hand to his chin. Something was off... but Izuku couldn't quite figure out what it was.

And then...

All of a sudden...

It hit him.

Izuku. Wasn't. Blushing.

Izuku froze halfway through the movie. Why wasn't he blushing? His nervousness from before could be the cause, but he's always blushed when near Shoto... always. Shoto... had acted slightly off all day. And more so than that - his eyes... his eyes were different... his eyes... weren't as pretty as they normally are. But that's beside the point.

Shoto causes him to blush.

So why wasn't he blushing?

"Shoto... say my name again. A - And look at me, please." Izuku asked, turning to face him. Wait... he looked bored? But he told Izuku he loved this movie?

"Huh?" Shoto - Shoto? - responded, glancing at Izuku curiously. "Alright... Izuku?"

Izuku's eyes widened. He wasn't blushing. He didn't even feel happy - and he always felt happy when Shoto called him by his first name.


Yeah, like tha-


"S - Shoto?" Izuku called, turning to face the direction of the sound - the front door - his cheeks heating up. Heavy bangs could be heard from the door, and Izuku felt frozen in place, unsure of what to do.

Shouta ran to the front door and looked through the peephole. His eyes widened, and he turned to look at Izuku, activating his quirk.

Wait, not at Izuku - past him. To...

Izuku went to spin around, but something sharp and cold pressed against his neck, stopping him from going anywhere. A bead of his blood trickled from the small wound down the blade.

"You should know never to turn your back on a serial killer... Izuku!"

Hey everyone! This was my idea! Now don't hate me, there'll be some TodoDeku soon, but I really wanted to write something like this, and besides - it shows how Izuku likes Shoto so much that he can tell when there's an imitation.

Okay so next chapter will be... from Shoto's perspective! Yes, from Shoto's perspective. I hope you're all looking forward to that! Oh and I hope you all enjoyed reading this one!

And wow, we passed 40 chapters. This story is suuuuuuuuper long haha, and I don't even think I'm halfway through the story yet XD

I guess you're all stuck with me for a while, haha.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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