Glass Heart - Chapter Thirty-Eight

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You'll do great, Izuku!

Thanks Shoto!

I guess we'll see :D

Izuku pocketed his phone and walked out of his room, down the stairs, to the living room, where Shouta, Hizashi and Hitoshi were waiting for him. For some reason, Nezu said they all needed to arrive to look at the test results.

Izuku just hoped the results weren't too bad.

Shaking, he stumbled outside the house, and Hitoshi had to tightly wrap onto Izuku's arm to stop him from falling. Izuku refrained at hitting Hitoshi over the head once he'd started laughing at Izuku's anxiety, and simply brushed past him in a huff, sitting in the back of the car. Hitoshi climbed in after him, and Hizashi and Shouta took the front seats.

As they drove, Izuku pondered with fear over what their meeting was really going to be about... He could've failed all his tests! He could've performed so badly, that Nezu says he has to go back to kindergarten! What if he took his hero license away? Izuku wasn't sure he could manage not going on patrols anymore...

"Kid, calm down." Shouta interrupted, and Izuku jumped slightly, slamming his hands over his mouth to stop his muttering. Shouta sighed. "It's not that I mind your muttering, but you should stop worrying. I doubt you failed your tests, and even if you did, Nezu wouldn't take your license away! We wouldn't allow it."

Izuku felt his heart warm at the reassurance. "Thanks."

"So... whose this 'Shoto' that Hitoshi keeps teasing you about?" Hizashi asked, his eyebrows waggling.

"Hito!! You told them?!" Izuku said instead, turning to Hitoshi with a betrayed expression on his face.

Hitoshi had the nerve to look sheepish. "They... overheard me one day and then wouldn't shut up about it. You're lucky I haven't told them his last name! With how much Dad was pressuring me, I almost completely broke!"

"... Dad pressured you... because he wanted to know about Shoto?" Izuku asked, glancing at Shouta curiously. "I thought Papa Zashi would be more likely to do that?"

"Papa Zashi started the questioning - but Dad took complete control of it." Hitoshi replied, shivering slightly as he remembered it.

"Huh..." Izuku never would've thought that Shouta would act like that... "I guess he really does care after all..."

"Kid of course I care." Shouta said, stubbornly refusing to look at any of them. "I just... don't want you to get hurt."

And with that, they arrived at UA.


Walking through the hallways, Izuku felt a growing pit of dread form in his stomach. He had no idea what Nezu wanted with him! And his family was going to be there too... Izuku wasn't sure whether that was comforting or a new source of stress. Either way, he had to prepare himself.

"Izuku? Nice to see you again. Please take a seat." Nezu said, as they entered his office. Izuku felt his hands shake as he gripped the sides of his seat. Shouta and Hizashi placed a hand on each of his shoulders in comfort, while Hitoshi watched, a small, concerned glance on his face.

"You're probably wondering why I called you here." Nezu asked, eyes glinting. A small bead of sweat trickled down Izuku's forehead, as he began to feel tenser in fear.

"I - I'm assuming it's... about my test results?" He asked, voice down to a whisper. The hands on his shoulders tightened, and Izuku felt himself calm down slightly. "W... What were they? Are you going to... revoke my hero license?" The hands on his shoulders tightened at the idea.

"Like hell you would." Shouta glared at Nezu before Nezu even opened his mouth to speak.

"Haha... Shouta... you should know me well enough by now that if that was what I'd be doing, this wouldn't be the approach I'd take to it." Nezu said, his chirpy voice containing a small undertone of violence that Izuku really didn't want to know about. "And anyway, you shouldn't worry Izuku - what I'm here to share is good news!"

"G... good news?" Izuku said, starting to relax.

"Yes! Your scores were the highest I've ever seen! You've got higher scores than Hizashi in English, and higher scores than Shouta in Ethics!"

"W - REALLY?" Hizashi shouted, snatching the papers on Nezu's desk and scanning through them. Once he finished looking at them, he turned back to Izuku, and wrapped him in a hug. "Oh, Izuku, I'm so proud of you!"

"You're... proud of me?" Izuku asked, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Of course we are, Izu! Highest scores?! That's amazing!" Hitoshi interrupted, joining the hug.

"Yeah kid. We're all tremendously proud of you." Shouta added, being dragged into the hug by Hizashi, but not really minding. Izuku clenched his eyes shut, and leant into his family, who supported him with all they had.

HI EVERYONE! I'm really tired. Very tired.

I hope you enjoyed reading!!! It's late, I'm tired so I'm going to keep this author's note brief.

I'm very tired XD

I had a bit more plan for this chapter, btu I had to keep it short, so I could get to bed. I'll try to update again as soon as I wake up tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all again soon!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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