"Second chance at first line"

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Scott's POV: I walked back to the locker room and took my pads and jersey off. I leaned up against my locker to breathe. "have you apologized to Allison?" Stiles asked. "Yeah" i huffed out. "Did she give you a second chance or?" - "yeah" - "yeah alright so everything's good!" Stiles said excitedly walking away. "No" I said. "No?" He asked coming back. "Remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them." I said. "Her dad?" Stiles asked a little confused. "Shot me." - "Allison's Father?" - "with a cross bow.." I said. It got quiet for a second. "Allison's father?" Stiles asked again. "YES HER FATHER." I screamed.

I started having a panic attack. "Oh my god"- "Scott! Hey snap out of it" Stiles says while patting my face. "He didn't recognize you right?" -"No... I don't know.." - "Does she know about him?" - "oh I- I don't know. What if she does?" I asked freaking out. Soon the whistle was blowing. "Okay just focus on lacrosse okay? Take this and take this and just focus on lacrosse right now that's all you gotta do okay? Here we go!" Stiles said while handing my stuff and walking out the locker rooms.

Soon we were out on the field. Coach blows his whistle. "LETS GOO! Jackson take a long stick today." Coach called out. Me and Jackson had to go up against each other. Jackson knocked me down the first time. Coach made me do it again, I did it again and then knocked Jackson down. Soon after I fell to the ground holding my head. "Scott" stiles rushed over to me while coach and some players surrounded Jackson on the ground. "I can't control it stiles! It's happening!" I said as calmly as I can trying to control it. "what right here? now? Come on get up" he said while helping me out and running me off the field.

Stiles POV: This is it, Scott's changing. How can I help him control it? "Come on get up." I told him while helping him and running him off the field. We make it to the locker room. "GET AWAY FROM ME" Scott screamed with his eyes flashing a orange gold color. I ran towards the back of locker room trying to get as far from his as possible. Scott was now chasing me, he was on top of the lockers. I quickly ran away trying to avoid being killed. I was pushed up into a corner where the fire extinguisher happened to be. I grabbed it and sprayed it at him. Who knows if this will work, but I have to try right?

I sprayed it and went and hid on the other side of the wall. " stiles.." I heard Scott say. I hesitated to look back at him but I did. "what happened?" He asked sounding genuinely confused. I dropped the fire extinguisher and took off my gloves while walking towards him. "You tried to kill me. It's like I told you before" I said while sitting in front of him. "It's the anger, it's your pulse rising. It's a trigger." I continued. "But that's lacrosse, it's a pretty violent game if you haven't noticed." Scott said.

"Well it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field. You can't play Saturday, you're gonna have to get out of the game." - "But I'm first line." - " well not anymore." I stated.

Scott's pov : I got home and went straight to my room and planted myself on my bed. My mom came in to tell me that she was working another night shift but that she's taking Saturday off to watch my game. Great. What am I gonna do? "No mom you can't." I said exhausted. "oh no, I can and I will." She said entering my room. "Come on, one shift isn't gonna break us.. completely.. Hey what's wrong with your eyes?" What? What is she talking about? I quickly sat up.

"You look like you haven't slept in days." -"Oh uh, It's nothing.. I'm just stressed." - "just stress? Nothing else ? I mean it's not like your drugs or anything right?" She questioned. "Right now?" I asked. "Right now?! I'm sorry.? What do you mean right now? I mean. Have you ever taken drugs?" She asked getting worried. "Have you?" I asked. She huffed. "Get some sleep." She said while walking out the door.

Later on stiles called me. "What'd you find out?" I asked. "Well it's bad, Jackson's got a separated shoulder." He said. "Because of me?" I asked worried. "Because he's a tool." - "is he gonna play?" - "they don't know yet. Now they're just counting on you for Saturday." I huffed and threw my head down. Great, just great. When I lifted my head back up Stiles was staring at something in the corner.
"what's wrong?" I asked. He then starts typing: It looks like. "It looks like what?" I asked, his computer then froze. "Someone's behind you" the text on the computer popped up. "What?" I then clicked on my camera and zoomed in. I then saw it but it was to late. Derek Hale then slammed me into the wall.

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