"The Tell"

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Elena's pov : " Now Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it is the best sports movie ever made" Jackson stated trying to convince Lydia to choose a different movie. Yes here I am third wheeling again because Lydia didn't like seeing me at the house alone. " no " Lydia stated. "It's got gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper." Jackson spat. "No" Lydia said again.

" Lydia, I swear to god. You're gonna like it." Jackson said. " no. " Lydia said again. " I am not watching the notebook again!" He screamed. Lydia then looked at him and looked at me and breathed out. I sighed and got out the car as did Jackson. " you know she doesn't like to watch sports movies, why waste your energy?" I asked while laughing. "All she ever wants to watch is the notebook." He said annoyed. " that's Lydia for you." I said before walking into the store.

I walked in and it gave a real creepy vibe, some of the lights were off. It seemed to be empty. They must be close to closing time. " can somebody that works here help me find The Notebook? " I heard Jackson ask. I continued to just stroll through the movie isles. " hello ?" Jackson called out again. " is anybody working here?" He asked. Hm, as usual impatient. The workers are probably in the back tryna close and didn't hear the door opens.

I then started to walk towards Jackson who was walking towards the front

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I then started to walk towards Jackson who was walking towards the front. When all of the sudden I see him back away knocking the ladder down. "Jackson ?" I called out while running to him. Then the light that seemed to be getting fixed had fell and caused the other lights to go out. I had then looked down to see what made him freak out. It was hard to see but it looked like a body was just laying there.

" oh my god. " I said while turning around to help Jackson up. " we have to call 911." I said before Jackson slowly turned around. I then felt him grab my hand, he was breathing heavy. I then turned to see what he was staring at. But by the time I did I had only seen red flashing eyes and a growl before being pushed behind a movie isle. Which I slammed my head on. " oh my god what is that " I whispered harshly. Jackson then peaked around the corner, and quickly flinched back into the isle. A couple of movies started to fall on us. I was trying my hardest not to make any noise while Jackson started to peak his head out again.

That's when we heard a Big Bang, and more bangs to follow. The shelves were falling. Jackson quickly pushed me out the way, and then tried to jump himself but he got stuck and a shelf had fallen on him. I quickly backed myself up into a corner. I didn't know what to do. I buried my head in my arms and closed my eyes. Trying my hardest not to make any noise, trying not to let the tears fall.

I felt helpless. Weak. What can I do? Jackson stuck under shelves. I can hear him breathing heavily. And then I heard very loud thuds and a window breaking. I quickly opened my eyes to see the window broken. I quickly got off my feet and ran to Jackson.

Stiles pov : I'm sitting in the cop car with my dad eating dinner that I brought by for him. "Mm did they forget my curly fries?" My dad asked. " you're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones." I stated. " well I'm carrying the lethal weapon, if I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries. " my dad stated.

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