Where it all began..

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" STILES KICK THE BALL TOWARDS ME " - Scott McCall yelled. The young Stiles Stilinski looked around and noticed eyes were all on him. He was panicking.

"IT'S OKAY STILES JUST KICK IT TOWARDS ME" Scott yelled again. Stiles then kicked the ball and it went in the complete opposite direction of Scott and the player playing base position had caught the ball and then the teacher had yelled " YOU'RE OUT" then the bell had rang.

"4th grade is hard" Stiles said as everyone walked passed him on the field. "It'll be fine" - Scott said. "Wow stiles you really do suck. You made us lose" - Jackson Whittmore had said while crashing into stiles shoulder. "Jackson come on, it's just a game lighten up don't be mean." - Elena Montgomery said. "Oh come on Elena, you're to nice, thanks to moron #1 and his friend moron #2. We lost " Jackson replied.

Jackson Whittmore and Lydia Martin were Elena Montgomery's two best friends. All 3 of their parents had been really good friends since Elena moved to their elementary school in 2nd grade.

While Jackson and Lydia walked off back to the classroom Elena waited behind.

"I'm sorry about Jackson, he can be pretty mean sometimes. From what I thought you did really good. It's just a game and like what coach says 'practice makes perfect' " she had told Stiles and Scott. While giving a small smile before turning around and walking back to the classroom.

And that's when a friendship was born.

a/n ; hi guys ! This was just like an introduction about how they all knew each other and where their friendship started. I know it's not like the exact teen wolf story plot but you know different is okay (:

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