chapter three

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Sage's POV

'Well shit'


I am just standing there when the guys drop, my heart is still racing, and I think I just might throw up. I look around and have never seen so many dead people. I start to freak out when I see him again.

I rushed over to him, but he was pointing a gun at me still, he looked unsure. I took off my shirt, don't worry I had a long sleeve under it and put it on the wound. He just kept looking at me. "We need to get you to a hospital" he just kept looking at me like I was an idiot or something. I pulled out my phone when he took it and threw it god knows where. "No, I'll be fine" After that he tried to get up but failed, and I'm the idiot. I rolled my eyes and looked at my car.

I heard some noises coming from the opposite direction. I looked at him, he was barely awake but still holding on. "FIND HIM NOW!!" A man was yelling, I was petrified, what the actual fuck did I get myself into. Men were yelling and running, I was shitting bricks thinking of what to do. "We need to go" was all he said, and he passed out. How helpful, why did I have to help? I should have just minded my own business, my brother is right for once I should have looked the other way. How could I though? This man seemed helpless and he reminded me of my dad laying there in the hospital and my body just moved without thinking. I kept picturing him and that moment. Damit Sage, fucking idiot. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard them get closer.

I looked at my car and it was completely fucked up or at least the back was. I had no other choice than to drive this piece of shit.

It was a pain in the ass trying to get him to the car but once we were there we got in, keys still in the ignition. I didn't know where to take this man, I mean he said no hospital and had a gun which I took just in case he tried to kill me or something.

What am I going to do, a guy is bleeding next to me who said no hospital, like what the fuck do you want me to do, I mean I had training but nothing serious plus I didn't know if he was grazed or if he actually was hit. Then it hit me he wasn't the only one there, I mean I was a little preoccupied, I decided to take him home, what the worst that can happen I mean I live alone now, damn on the first night without my brother and my life goes to shit.

The drive home was horrible, I got a little frightened when he wasn't moving, I would nudge him and he would respond on top of this I was speeding, I had just got in an accident and my car was literally broken. I only had a little while to 15 minutes tops, I got off the highway, took a couple of turns, and boom.

I was finally home, the only problem was getting to my apartment which happened to be on the third floor. I decide to park the car closer to where there is an elevator which we take, trying to hide the fact he is bleeding. I have his arm around me and it feels like I am caring for the hulk on my shoulder. He was a solid 6'3 maybe and I was 5'4, yeah you see the problem. We made it to my apartment after what felt like a mile. Once we get to the door, I drop him on the floor.

"Oops," I was on the break of collapsing. He moved a little, waking up a little foggy. "Where the fuck am I?" looking around he spotted me, how nice after I basically carried your ass. "We are at my apartment" he looks at me then reaches for his gun. "If you are looking for your gun it's long gone" I gave him a smug look, he rolled his eyes and looked like he was ready to murder me. "Woah there I am only here to help, I have some supplies let me go get them" I rush to my room, and find my kit which basically has everything I need. My brother would get into fights so I would fix him up. Just decide to get one, a great investment.

I ran back to my front door and there he passed out once again. I took his shirt off, and wow he was built like a god, perfectly shaped with a couple of tattoos on his arms and side. I saw the wound and it grazed him on the left side other his chest, close to his v-line. Any closer and he would have needed to be hit, he had bruises on the other side of his chest and his face, along with that he had bloody knuckles and blood that wasn't his.

I started with the one that was causing the most blood loss, I added hydrogen peroxide, patted it down, and began stitching and it was actually good. I put some bandages on it, taped it, and moved on to his knuckles which were a could of gashes nothing too serious, when I finished I moved him to my couch, and gave him a pillow and blanket. I went to bed as well.

It was around four in the morning when I heard something, I thought it was more men, but it was just this idiot trying to get up, and ended up knocking my fucking lamp off the table. "Don't move moron, you'll rip the stitches I put in" he looked down noticing he didn't have a shirt, which I didn't mind. I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water with some painkillers. 

"Here take these it will help with the pain" he just kept looking at me "I am good" "Do you need anything else?" he just kept looking at me "What do I have something on my face, jeez" he gave me a little smirk "You have a cut on the top of your head" I went to the mirror and noticed, not that big probably when I crashed my car. "Small scratch, how are you feeling?" he looks at me confused "I am good"

Silence hit the air when he finally spoke "Isn't this the part where you ask what happened?" I shook my head "Nope, whatever happened is your problem, I was only there to help" he looked annoyed. "Why did you help, that was pretty stupid to do." wow no thank you for saving your life "I just did okay. " I was pissed at this point, I didn't need to explain why I helped him, let alone SAVED his fucking life, couldn't he be fucking grateful that he isn't dead. "Get some sleep we will figure everything out tomorrow"

He nodded "Wait do you have a phone I could use" I am livid at this point, maybe because I didn't eat or because I was tired, or because this ASSHOLE was rude, and talked with an attitude for no reason. "No I don't have my phone, some idiot took it from me and threw it" he rolled his eyes. He was annoying, a prick, and still no thank you how nice. With all that said, walked out "Thank you, night" I was surprised, who knew he had common courtesy? "No problem... what's your name?" "Marco... Marco De la Rosa", "Sage Valdez" I smiled at him and went to my room, I was so tired. It has been a very long day, to say the least.


Hey party people!

Had a little bit of a struggle to write this but I hope y'all like it.

I would love to hear what yall think about it.



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