chapter twenty-one

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Sage's POV

What the fuck am I supposed to do? I am frozen, my body has no clue where to go, I put on a shirt and shorts, I don't have my gun in the drawer in the corner. Knives are in the kitchen. My fucking luck, of course, my life goes to shit after I find myself happy. "Fuck" Whoever is on the other side of the door is not giving up, I can Marco it takes exactly 3 rings before he picks up 

"Hello, amore" I remember I have a spare gun, not mine, my brothers well both of ours. Long story short my brother and dad were involved in some shady shit especially my dad who owed a debt to people, we paid them but all but one we figured getting a gun with no trace would be a good idea. Never used it, until now.

"Marco someone is in my apartment, they are trying to get in" I feel his heart drop, I am running to my closet, taking everything out. Behold my pistol, it has one clip in it, and a couple of ammo on the side "I am on my way, stay where you are please FUCK" the lines goes dead.

 He is coming, he will be here. My back is on the wall waiting for that door to break. I am not scared, I just am thinking about everything I have and people. "SHE IS IN HERE" My eyes widen "You called fuck back up" Not a second later, the door breaks in, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I shoot the fist guy that's coming in, he drops and I use my bed as cover. 

"Look, come calmly and we will forget you killed my friend" I wanted to cry, where is he, what could be taking him so long. "Go fuck yourself" I didn't hear anything, a couple more come in, there are five guys in my apartment, I have 10 bullets left mean two for each any case I miss. "Last chance, you don't want to play with fire little girl" I laughed. "Bring it ass face" I must really have a death wish.

Right before they were going to come in someone else came in guns blazing, nothing but shooting until it all stopped "Fottuti americani" (Fucking americans) Shit more people, someone walks in I peak over, it's Luca, and Rezo "Sei sicuro che sia qui" (You sure she is here)

I stand up, hands shaking, they both look at me. Rezo reaches for the gun, he takes it and I stare at the guy I had just killed, they both look at me "I had to" I stood there looking down. 

Marco came in, my body froze "Sage, hey look at me" I looked down and looked at him. He put his hand on my cheek "Let's go" I nodded. I killed someone, and it wasn't out of anger, it happened. "Who were they, why did they want me" Marco looked down and carried me bridal styles "We will talk more later." We walk past Lucia, Emberlyn, a couple of guys I have never seen. He carries me to a car and we leave. I fell asleep in Marco's arms, the only place I feel safe. I don't feel anything, I mean I do but no remorse or guilt, or sadness. Just mad for the fact that people broke in and fucked everything up.

A beam of light hits my face, I rub my eyes, I am in a different room, I look closer and it's Marcos' room. I was a little confused till everything came back, seconds I remember I killed someone, does it make me a bad person that I don't feel anything towards it.

I slowly get up and out of bed, making my way towards the shower. Today I get to see my mom, which helps a lot more. I hear a knock and I jump "Sage it's Lucia I have some clothes for you, I am pretty sure we are the same size." I start to panic throwing her words out the window, my back hits the wall and I fall, sobbing and out of breath. Marco breaks the door literally and opens it. He rushes to my side and holds me slowly assuring me I am safe. I nod putting my head into the crook of his neck. I calm down, put the clothes on, Marco waiting outside. I walk out and lay back down.

"Sage" I looked up at him, he felt guilty. I grabbed his face "Hey this wasn't your fault, you couldn't have known" he shakes his head pushing me aways sitting on the edge of the bed "I put you in danger, being with you makes you a target, it is selfish" I bend down on my knees, nuzzle my way into his arms "I knew what I was doing when I started this, you forget that I saved you from people chasing us, I mean you were passed out so I don't expect you to remember. I knew what I was getting myself into, I don't scare easy Marco, I am not leaving." He pulls me into his lap "If I came sooner, you wouldn't have killed that guy, I know it takes its toll on people or some people. You shouldn't have to do that" I shook my head 

"Marco, I am not an innocent girl, I fight, I get into trouble with the wrong people, my brother was a street fighter, my dad had debts to pay, you think this will affect me you are mistaken. I defended myself, that's that." He hugged me tighter, he pulled away "Your brother was a street fighter?" I laughed "Yea, along with my dad doing dumb shit too, we had an unregistered gun and kept in just in case someone came after us." he faces dropped, maybe too much information "Anyone that ever tries to touch you, or so much as look at you different I will kill every single one of them" I just hugged him, we are very violent people.

We make our way downstairs, everyone looks up and smiles. "Mija, how are you, I am so sorry this happened" I just gave her a hug "I am fine really" I smile, she gives me a tight hug, I hiss in pain the bruises are still there "Sorry I forgot about those" she walked over to Marco and whispered something. He just smiled and nodded. 

I walked over to Luca and Rezo, he was grazed by a bullet. "Thank you, for saving my life, I owe you one" I turn around and see everyone "Thank you to you all, for not only helping me but for showing me kindness" I give them a smile, they all look at me and nod. Emberlyn walks up to me "Thank you for making him happy, that says a lot about who you are, not everyone can make the 'Reaper'" I am a little confused 'reaper' is she referring to Marco. Her face drops, she realizes I don't know what she is talking about. 

"Ask Marco" she walks off, more like fast walking. I figure to ask him another day, I stand by his side and give him a kiss on the cheek. "We still have to make the trip to my mom's house today, she lives about a couple of hours" he nods "I also need to stop by my apartment to get my clothes" he looks over with a sly face "We need to talk"

Shit, those words I hate them, they were scary or could be. We walk into his room and I sit down on this little couch. "If this is you leaving I will kill you" I was dead serious, I probably couldn't kill him but I would beat him. He laughs "Baby I could never leave you" he kisses me sitting on the bed. "Look I tried to hold this off, but I ended up putting you in more danger" I was really confused, waited for him to continue "I need you to know that once you know this, there is no going back, you can never leave no matter what, so tell me do you want to know" I just froze, he was serious, no backsies, I could be with him forever "I never planned on leaving, you are stuck with me forever, so yes I want to know, babe" he smiled 

"The night we met, I was ambushed by a group of people who I guess you could say are enemies, these same people are the ones who were after you, the guy you killed was apart of their 'organization'" I looked at him "You leaving out something, come on spit out" he just looked at me blankly "They did all of this because they want my head, so do a lot of people because I am the head of the Italian Mafia. Rezo is my second-hand man. I own different businesses like the dealership to cover up everything" 

I froze. "M-Mafia"

Holy fuck. My fucking luck I tell you. I saw this coming not the Mafia but him doing stupid shit too.


Got to love knowing things at the last minute 


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