chapter fourteen

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Sage's POV

Today was finally Friday, I found myself waking up on my bed with the sunlight on my face. I need to get dark curtains, I kept wondering about last night, was it a dream it sure did feel like it. I reached over for my phone with 10 missed calls from Lorelli and a couple of texts from Oli, our group chat was blown up. I figured Oli would tell me about what happened last night. Unplugging my phone and heading to the restroom I brushed my teeth, and hair, put some makeup on to look decent, and headed to the kitchen. I walked to see everything tightly put away, he must have picked up everything. I was looking over and saw a note on my fridge.

Call me, immediately, please.


I smiled, took it off, grabbed my creamer, and waited for my coffee to make itself. While that was getting ready I opened my computer searched for a new job, and went through a couple of emails. My phone starts to ring, I assume it's one of the stooges but it's my mom nonetheless.

"Hey Mom, what's going on" She just laughed

"Mija, I have missed your voice, are you coming Sunday by any chance?" I completely forgot about dinner, I have to work through.

"I might have to work but let me see if I can move some things around" You could tell she was excited, ever since my brother left I haven't been which was around two weeks ago. Who knows?

"Perfect honey, I will make your favorite" Now I am getting excited, her infamous lasagna sounds lame but it was the best I always get leftovers.

"Mom I have to go now but I will maybe see you Sunday" she chuckled

"See you Sunday mi princesa"

"Wait Mom I said-" The line went dead, how am I not surprised she never took no for an answer. Reminds me of a certain someone

I called my work after my little chat with my mom, they said I could have the weekend off if I worked today, which I was going to but they wanted the early shift which I was on my way to. My hours would be 10 am - 6 pm, this is going to be a ball buster. I hated mornings. Everyone was so pumped. As soon as I was going to head out, I opened my door revealing the three dummies.

"SAGE VALDEZ, I thought you were dead, Oli told me about the guy last night, how come you never told anyone, why not me? Not to mention he is just in your apartment. OoooO is he hot, Oli wouldn't specify." I was being suffocated by her small body, I tapped her on her shoulder to let me go, and she did. "It's all known, we aren't dating, and yes he is attractive" My cheeks went into a little smile. 

"Oh, you like him right, attractive my ass he is hot" Deacon looked at her "Not as hot as you babe, don't worry" He let out a chuckle and wrapped his hand around her. Oli was just standing there, I looked at the time. Oh shit, I am going to be late. "Guys I have to go, I am going to be late" they all looked at me "I have to work, get off around 7 pm. I am only doing this because my mom wants me to come over Sunday night." Oli stood up walking over to me. "I will take you" and we all walked out.

The drive was silent, the air seemed hostel. "What happened to the whole relationship are pointless" I was surprised, where was all this coming from "It isn't a relationship, and it snuck up on me, I don't fully trust him or anything" he just kept his eyes on the road "Look Sage I- if you're happy then we are all happy, but don't jump into it so fast" I just nodded and smiled at him "I am not diving headfirst, I only gave him that key because I didn't have time to uh- water my plants so he said he could, you know with all those doubles." He just nodded. We approached the hospital, I gave him a quick goodbye and walked into the hospital.

Work went by like a breeze, it was mainly helping people to places or dropping off food and of course paperwork. I was almost done. I just had to put these folders back into the drawer. I was clocking out, exhausted, I mean it was- fuck I forgot to call Marco. Wow, I feel like an asshole. I called him with it ringing the first 3 times he picked up.

"Hey, stranger" Seriously Sage 'stranger' act normal and stops being weird. He just laughed

"Hey, we are still on for Saturday right?" Is he giving me a choice

"Yes of course" That was a quick response, I really suck at this thing, the party was moved up to tonight. Loreilli was coming to pick me up so we could get ready. At least I didn't have to get on the bus.

"Do you work today" Of course he wants to know

"I actually just got off, I picked up an early shift"

"Amor did you miss me that much" Wow his ego is big

"You wish, no my mom wants me to come home Sunday, so to get off I had to work this morning" he chuckled

"Does this mean I have you all weekend"

"No, I have to go, my ride is here."

"Is it that one boy I saw last night give me a couple of minutes ill-"

"No, it is Loreilli, we are hanging out tonight so keep it in your pants weirdo, I'll call you later bye"

"Be safe Sage, I am always a phone call away bye" I hung up, just in time.

Loreilli pulled up, her backseat was packed, and she even got me a dress like always. She isn't a fan of my style, she is just jealous. I hopped in and she was off, zooming I am surprised she never got pulled over. She played music but I fell asleep on the window. The next thing I know we are here and that much-needed nap really helped my spirit. "Here's the plan you take a shower, then I'll hop in. While you do your makeup, I will also get ready. I am not helping you today. Can you handle it? I also brought you a dress." I laughed "Lora I am not a child, I know how to get ready" 

With that, I hopped in the shower, it was really nice, did what I needed to do, and hopped out we were on a 'time crunch'. I walked out heading for my mirror. "Oh your friend Marco called and said he will be there Sunday" I wanted to hurt that uhh I swear sometimes I could kill him. I let out an evil chuckle, Lora looked at me weirdly "Sage, what are you thinking about?" I just looked at her, "Nothing, he is in pain sometimes," she laughed and went to the shower.

I was waiting for her to hurry so I could get dressed. She loves to surprise me. She walked out in a pink silk dress with white heels and smiled. "You're going to love your dress." She pulled out a silky white dress, and I froze. "No" she gave me an evil smile "Come on please, you have a hot body" I shook my head and she walked towards me. "Now, we will be late" I shook my head "I am on my period" she laughed "No you're not, you told me like weeks ago that you had it" I gave up there was no point in fighting her. I put it on, and it hugged my body, I looked good but I don't like attention. I walked out, and she lighted up, threw some heels, nude ones and we headed out. Meeting the guys there.


Here we go /:


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