chapter sixteen

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Sage's POV

We came to a stop, Marco got out of the car, as did I, he picked me up again and began to walk. "I said you didn't have to walk" I just put my head in the knock of his neck. We got there a little after, I remembered my keys were still in my coat in Loreli's car. Luckily I stashed one on top of the door. I stood up and grabbed it "Wow very secretive" a smile appeared on my lips "I missed that smile of yours" I walked inside, it was a mess but I didn't care 

"I am going to hop in the shower, you don't have to stay" he smiled "I will be here when you get out" This was my second shower but it felt so wrong, a sob broke out. How could I be so stupid, Oliver liked me back then, and I didn't think he still did, he got close to me, to get with me. Deacon was never my friend, to begin with, and neither was Loreili.

I got out of the shower and put on a XXL shirt, and some spandex. Walking out Marco sat on the couch, he could tell I was crying "They were a waste of time amore, don't mind them you deserve way better people in your life" He hugged me tight, rubbing my back "I know but it hurts they were my friends, people I trusted, I can't trust anyone anymore they all want something" he looked down "You can trust me, I am here to stay, and I was clear on my intentions" I just put my head in his chest "I ordered pizza if your hungry" as soon as the word pizza left his mouth my stomach grumbled.

We both laughed, the shower had me sobering up but I was still dizzy. I handed him the remote and he played Ratatouille. I just looked at him. "What I never finished," we waited till our food got here. It wasn't long till the doorbell rang, Marco opened it, grabbed the pizza, and shut the door. He brought it over "Thank you" he smiled "I figured you were hungry" I shook my head "No I meant to thank you for standing up for me and being there" he pulled me in "Like I said amore I am always here" wow his ego sure did back him up a lot. We ate and sat there watching the movie and eating pizza.

After that we played other old Disney movies, I fell asleep on Sleeping Beauty, how ironic. Today was exhausting, I felt Marco pick me up and tuck me in. I heard him leaving "Wait" it was soft but he heard me "Stay with me" he smirked "You miss me?" he sure knew how to ruin a moment "Never mind" I turned my back. I heard him walk back, taking off his shirt. Standing on the opposite side, he pulled out his phone, texted someone, and turned it off. 

He was built so well, he had perfect abs, and some tattoos on his arms and chest but his body was defined. I looked back at him, and he caught me staring and smirked "I don't mind, you can look all you want" he laid down pulling me into his body. The warmth, his touch made me forget about what happened tonight, he made me feel protected and vulnerable at the same time. I threw my arm around his torso and his muscles twitched at my touch, I had the same effect on him. I fell asleep within seconds.


Marco's POV

*Ring Ring*

Looking at the clock it was 4 am, I told Rezo I was taking the weekend off, and to hold down the place till I got back. Looking at my phone it wasn't mine, it was mi amores. It was that asshole, who she got in a fight. Which still stunned me, she fought an actual person, and he looked worse than her, which says a lot. Other than me wanting to shoot him in the head, and her hurt which made me even angrier, I wish I could have prevented this. It was hot, she knew how to handle things. I declined the call but it kept ringing. I finally picked it up.

"Sage look I am so sorry, I didn't mean what I said about your dad. It was wrong, I miss you please forgive me, and Deacon god I don't know why he said that shit, I guess he wanted to hurt you the way you hurt me and I know it was messed up, I was drunk please say something." He missed her, I knew he liked her. It was obvious the way he looks at her, but she is mine and I don't share anything. I let out a chuckle "She is sleeping next to me, leave her alone you heard her you are nothing to her and never will be, this is your last warning, never contact her again and defy me I will do much worse to you than she did." I hung up.

Laying back down next to her, pulling her close to me, and putting my arm around her. She was beautiful, peaceful, I could stay here forever. I only wondered how she would look at me when she found out I am the head of the Italian Mafia. She knew the day she found me I was in something, never asked, she wasn't scared either. I could never relate to her pain, I had lost many men and friends in my position but never someone like family, I could never imagine. I only wish she looked at herself the way others see her. She was relaxed next to me, this is one of the nights I could sleep comfortably without constantly thinking.

Waking back up it was 10 am, she was still passed out, I made my way to the restroom tiptoeing around. "Sneaking off already" I turned to see her rubbing her eyes, sitting up. "No just needed to use the restroom" a smile appeared on her lips "There should be an extra toothbrush in the other restroom." I nodded and headed that way, walking in the room, making my way to the bathroom. A guy used to live here, I could tell by the posters that were still there. I don't like the fact she lived with another guy. As she said there was an extra toothbrush, still in its package, it was purple out of all colors. There was also some toothpaste, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Made my way out, she was still in her room the door was closed so I assume she is changing or something.

I waited on the couch, she finally decided to come out. "Good morning amore" I walked over, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Good morning back" I walked to her room putting on my shirt and grabbing a jacket. "Leaving" she was standing at the door with coffee in her hand, she looked a little sad, I couldn't help but smile. "You need to get dressed we have places to be, we are already late as it is" she looked confused "You're all mine this weekend" I smirked at her, she looked petrified. "Where are we going" I just smiled "Just get ready" I walked out, "Can you at least tell me what type of clothes I should wear" I turned around "Wear what you would wear to run errands" she nodded and headed in.

It didn't take her long to get dressed, she looked beautiful as always, she was wearing jeans that hugged her body perfectly, and a tank top with a jacket over it. "You look b-nice" she just smiled and made her way towards me. "Not back yourself" she grabbed her keys waiting at the door. We both headed out, making my way to my car. The drive was a little longer, but she didn't notice, she was looking out the window. I took her hand and intertwined it with mine. She was pulled out of thought. "Where are we going" I just laughed "We are almost there". Pulling up to my house, the guards opened up to the gate, she was confused. Parking my far in front turning the car off "My house" her eyes widened "It's so pretty" I just looked at her "Want to come in?" she was a little shocked, I placed my hand on her face, turning her face to look at me, and placed a kiss on her lips, it was soft and gentle.

The moment was ruined as soon as Luca knocked on my window. I stepped out "Mama has been waiting for you, and who is our lovely guest" looking at Sage. Opening the door for her "Hello again" she recognized him immediately "Your the one who called me a whore" Luca's face was priceless, she walked to me and stood by my side

 "I am sorry, that was a misunderstanding, let's start over, si?" she smiled and nodded "Of course but next time you call me a rude name, Marco won't be the one throwing punches" he laughed but intimately stopped when he knew she wasn't kidding "Yes, ma'am" I couldn't help but smile, she loved voicing her opinion. He made his way to me "You two are perfect together" I just kept walking hand in hand with Sage.

"Ready to meet mi familia" her eyes widened and looked down at her outfit, she hit me on the arm "You should have told me,  I would've worn something else" I grabbed her arm, whispering in her ear "Don't test me, Sage, I will bend you over and teach you a lesson" her cheeks lit up and started to walk. We approached the door, which opened as soon as we were there. "Here we go" her smile grew, but not before my mama pulled her in for a hug.


That happened


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