chapter thirteen

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Sage's POV

"What the fuck Marco, how did you get my key" he let out a chuckle

"I am not that weird principessa, It was a random key" I just shook my head, putting my hand on my forehead.

"Why have you been avoiding my calls, I want the truth" Ignoring him I went to my room

"I need to take a shower, please wait outside or leave" he let out a chuckle

"I brought food, for both of us. I'll be outside" he left closing the door

Hopping in the shower, I wreaked of sweat and hospital smell, and not the good kind. I shaved and washed my body and hair. Quickly and headed out. I put on an oversized shirt and some short that was a lot shorter than I thought but my shirt covers everything. I head out, meeting eyes with Marco. His eyes were now roaming my body constantly. He looked back at me and smiled, then continued to place food on the table, in its package.

He was going through looking for the silverware and stumbled into the drawer where I place the photo of me and my dad. I had forgotten I put it there he look at it and looked at me. "Is this your dad, you look like him a lot" I just looked down "Yea, a lot of people say that" I walked over to the table and sat down. "Where is he now" no one has really asked that, my heart felt a slight pain in it. "He is... gone" his face dropped he knew what I meant. " He is in a better place now" he gently rubbed my back, this is the first conversation I had about him in a while. A tear slipped out, he just held me. "Let's eat, we don't have to talk about him" I nodded and began to eat, I was starving but had a loss of appetite when his face reappeared. We sat in silence.

"I miss him" I broke the silence, Marco looked up at me. "How long has it been?" I paused a little "Almost 8 months" He just gave me a smile "Do you have a favorite memory of him, if you don't want to tell me that's okay" I just smiled remembering the day perfectly.

"It was my 18th birthday, he said that I was getting too big and that I needed to shrink back to his little girl, the day was hectic because plans were everywhere, we ended up going to dinner a family dinner and he book this really fancy place. He always said the best for his baby girl. He was always so cheesy, but when we got there someone took our reservations and my dad was livid so I told him that it was okay and he kept arguing with them. We got escorted out for making a scene. When we got outside and it started pouring and we were all wet and I just burst out laughing he thought I was crazy, I told him any birthday with my family is always the best birthday he almost started crying. We ended up going to a McDonalds and playing in the rain" I laughed

"He sounds like an extraordinary person, even better dad. I am sorry he left so soon." I just nodded "The day he died... Sage you don't have too" I just looked at him. "This is the first time in months I've talked about him, it hurts a lot. He was my person and he left me. Some part of me is angry cause he left, like everyone else" I was angry with him I finally said it, I am a horrible person. "Sage he didn't leave he is with you in your heart" Tears started to form "That's not enough, I d-didn't have enough time, he was supposed to be there for my graduation, my wedding, my kids, my everything and h-he's gone forever" Marco stood up, came over and just held me, my head was in the crook of his neck. "I am a horrible person, I killed him, me, an-and I have the nerve to be mad, I am a fucked up person" he pulled me away and stared me dead in the eye "You didn't kill him and you are not fucked up, you Sage are torn but not fucked up" it felt nice to talk about it.

After a while I calmed down, I let go and we just sat there for what felt like hours "Sage the day you said you weren't important what did you mean" I was confused at first but then I remembered, "I-its- look guys say things they don't mean all the time, I have been through this." He just scolded me, turning my head to look at him "Sage I am not going anywhere, you are important to me, and to a lot of other people don't think you aren't, not for a second" I melted to his words but a part of me wanted to believe him "How do I know you won't leave or walk away once things get hard, how can I trust you, I want to believe you Marco but it's hard for me." he smiled "I am here for you mi amore, give me time, I will prove it."

"Okay, Marco" he smiled "Want to watch a movie" he nodded and made our way to the couch. I haven't done this in a long time, hanging out with someone who isn't a friend. It's weird. "What's your favorite movie?" he looked a little confused "I don't really watch movies, don't have time to, the last one I watch was Ratatouille and that was when I was 8" I burst out laughing "You are a weirdo, we will watch Harry Potter" he laughed "And I'm the weirdo" I played the movie, he was invested it was cute, did I really say that jeez Sage slow your role, maybe I am the weirdo. "I knew it was him, that puntura." (prick) I laughed, I realized we were really close, like cuddling close. It's like I'venever been with a guy "What" Oh shit he caught me "It's- nothing" he smirked "Tell me" now we are playing "No" he came closer I backed up, I fell back on the couch 

"Do I make you nervous Sage" God damn he is hot, from this point you could see the blue in his eyes, he had bags under his eyes you could tell he didn't sleep much "No you don't, stop trying to flatter yourself tonto" he was surprised "You speak Spanish?" I looked at him dead, "Entiendes nino?" (Do you understand me, little boy) I put my finger on his head and pushed his head back, he was stunned and stood up. I took this opportunity to hop off the couch more like roll over and fall on the floor. I ran, he chased me and in seconds caught me.

I was pushed against the counter, he let out a sinister laugh. "Ti piace davvero mettermi alla prova" (You really like to test me?) I looked at him, he came closer. My face heated up, he got close. His hands moved to my waist then to my face. He leaned in and kissed me, I didn't fight back, our lips moved in sync. He cupped my face deepening the kiss, my hand found its way to his hair tugging it a little. He groaned and pulled away "I won't be able to stop amore, that's enough for tonight" I leaned in and pecked his lips one more time and pushed past him. Looking at the time, I didn't want him to go. "Want to finish the movie," he nodded.

We went back to the couch and resumed where we left off, my head leaned on him and I started to doze off. This was nice, having him here with me, I don't know how long this will last or if it will, he would probably hurt me but at this moment I let go of all the what-ifs. Falling asleep on his shoulder with his arms around me, the warmth I have been missing for a while. Wondered back.



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