Chapter 4

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"I'm so happy you texted me." Embry smiled. He and Evie were heading to Sam's. As soon as he saw Evie's text, Embry called her as he made his way to her place. Soon after, Embry was at her front door, ringing the bell. When she went out, Evie was tackled in a warm hug. "I was surprised but I'm glad you taking some fresh air."

"Sorry. I know I gave you a hard time. I must have worried you." Evie apologised. Embry shook his head.

"No, don't worry, it's okay." He reassured. "Don't feel guilty to have feelings, it's normal."

"Thanks." Evie genuinely smiled.

"You know it's the first time I see you smile since a month." He grinned as Evie chuckled.

"I know, I know."

"Take you time." Embry said as he put his arm around her shoulders, side huging her. "You can rely on me, I'll be there for you."

"I must have saved the world in my past life to have you as my friend." Evie smiled. Embry chuckled.

"I know, I'm extraordinary." His flipped his non-existent long hair, making Evie chuckled. They continued to walk and soon reached Sam's place. They entered. There was silence first. Everyone was taken aback to see Evie. But shock was quickly replaced by joy as they beamed, seeing her.

"Look who's back!" Paul smiled.

"Hey." Evie gently waved at them, as if shy. They were all smiling, seeming relieved.

"Come sit here, Evie. I have loads of muffins for you!" Emily grinned as she led Evie to a chair next to Seth. She slightly hugged her before leavinf saying:

"I'm so glad to see you again!"

As Evie sat, Seth was radiating light, swinging left to right is chair and smiling ear to ear. Saying that he was joyful to see his sister was an huge understatement. He was beyond happy.

The second child of the Clearwater family noticed Leah slightly smiling. She hadn't jumped of joy like the other, she was more cheery than usual. As her eyes crossed her sister's, Leah smiled widened a bit. She was glad to see Evie out. She was relieved.

Evie felt like they were a bit overreacting. But deep down, she knew they had all been worried sick for her. They were all from the same pack. They all shared a special link. They all cared for each other, protect each other, fight for each other. Even though there was conflicts sometimes, they would all give their lives for a member of the pack.

"You should have seen Embry when you texted him." Quil snorted a laugh. "He ran out of the house to see you."

The others sniggered as Embry hit Quil, muttering "shut up". Evie slightly chuckled. Embry was very caring. He had been there for her since day one. She was more than grateful to have him by her side. She own him a debt.

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