Chapter 17

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Bella was sat on the couch of the Cullen's home with Rosalie and Evie by her side. After their heated conversation, they had all decided to follow Bella's wish to keep the baby. But of course, Carlisle and the rest of them would still keep looking for a solution for Bella to not die. Until them, the human had to rest. She couldn't really do anything else.

Evie understood their fear. They all cared for Bella. She was officially one of them and a death threat was already above her head. One more person would be frenetic in a bad way about the news. Jacob cared for Bella and Evie knew he would not take it well. A part of Evie was still scared he would forget about her and focus on Bella. But the major part of her was now convinced it wouldn't be the case. She hoped so at least.

"I was not expecting you to be on my side," Bella said to Evie, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"There was no desicions making process here," Evie said. "I am no one to decide for you. The obvious answer to me was to support you,"

"Thank you... really...," Bella genuinely added. She seemed very moved. What it because of the pregnancy? Or was she really touched? "You're closer to Edward than you are with me. And after everything that happened because of me between you and Jacob, I thought...,"

"That I would want you to die?" Evie understood. She couldn't help but chuckle at how stupid the assumption was. Bella surely was feeling guilty for causing so much trouble in Evie's relationship with Jacob. And she must have considered the fact that Evie could side with Edward and Alice for revenge. But Evie was not like that. "Come on, Bella, I'm not that petty and bitter. And you're still my friend,"

Bella softly smiled at her. She felt lucky to have Evie by her side. And Rosalie couldn't help but to feel some kind of pride seeing how mature the Clearwater girl was.

"Besides, I know how... having no choice, or seeing your ability to choose being taken away feels like," Evie continued. "You feel like you cannot do anything, that all you can do is just endure, and watching things hopelessly, powerlessly... I wish that on no one,"

"Let me guess... Jacob?" Rosalie asked.

"And Embry," Evie added.

"Embry?" Bella repeated, shocked. Only Alice, Rosalie, and possibly Edward, knew about what happened between Embry and she.

"Oh, right, you don't know," Evie remembered. "Well... we kissed,"

"You kissed?" Bella repeated again, shocked. "And what about Jake? Isn’t he your imprintee?"

"Yeah, but when it happened, Jake was away," Evie told her. "Then he found out, they argued, and I talked to both of them. Jacob decided to stay away because he thought he was only hurting me and Embry knew he came back once for me but told me nothing. Both made a decision where it wasn't their place to make. And you know how it ended,"

"And now? What will you do?" Bella asked. She was genuinely interested in the situation but gossiping also gave her a sense of... normality. As if she was not going to die in any second. Evie didn't mind. It allowed her to let go of what she had on the mind.

"I don't know...," Evie muttered.

"Jacob obviously loves you," Rose said. "He had always did or he wouldn't have been so jealous of you getting close to Edward. And he values your happiness so much he wouldn't mind letting you ending up with Embry. He is aware of the pain he caused you and was willing to let you go for you to find happiness. That is how much he loves you. But the internal conflict he is having makes everything more complicated than it should be. You should let him come to term and peace with himself first. Because then, he would have his mind clear and he would be able to truly decide what to do,"

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