Chapter 5

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N/A: Since this is my birthday, I decided to post a chapter today. Enjoy!

Days passed. Then a week. Two, to be exact. It had been two weeks wince Evie stepped out of her room. She didn't spend much time there anymore. She tried to move as much as she could. She tried to live as much as she could, to forget him. At first, it had been weird for her to go out, but with time, it had become ordinary again. She spent most of her time with the pack. She was almost never alone. They had gone cliff diving or chilling on the beach. Evie liked having sounds, motion and things going on around her. It made her forget, think about something else, focus on something else. It was trivial things but trivial things are always such good distraction. It might be superficial, it might seem to be burying the pain underneath a pile of illusion, it might seem temporary, but she felt good. She felt alive for the first time since Jacob left.

Evie lied down on her bed, watching a movie on her laptop. An action movie, of course. She had no desire to watch romance movies or sad movies. She needed dynamism, action, fights and a little bit of fun. It always cheered her when she felt down. As she was watching Iron Man falling from above his modern house to his underground garage, Evie heard three soft knocks on her door. She pressed pause, removed one of her earplugs and looked over her door. There stood Embry.

"Hey, what's up?" Evie asked, sitting up and putting her laptop away. Mrs Clearwater must have let him in. She was downstairs, doing god's know what. Leah and Seth were, as the usual, at Sam's with the others.

"Was wondering if you wanted to go out in Forks?" he asked as he leaned on the frame of the door. "Been a long time since we didn't hang out? Remember that diner we used to go?"

Evie chuckled but nodded. When they were younger, Embry, Quil, Jacob and Evie used to hang out a lot in Forks. They would do nothing in particular but scrolling down the streets, looking at shops. But in the end, they would always end up at a dinner where they would spend hours talking and joking around while drinking a large glass of smoothies. But since Embry phased, then Quil and then Jacob, they stopped hanging out. The resumed spending time together when Evie joined the pack, but they never went back to Forks since. With vampires issues and all, they didn't really have the times.

"Give me a sec," she said. Evie took her laptop and closed the page then turned off the device. She put the laptop away and took a hairband, tying her long hair before walking with Embry downstairs. "Mom, I'm going out," she said as she stood near the living room. Mrs Cleawater was sat on the sofa, watching TV. She turned to her daughter.

"Don't come back too late." the mother said. In other circumstances, she would have refused, knowing the situation. But Embry was with her so she knew it would be alright. "And be careful."

"Don't worry, Mrs Clearwater, I'll make sure she won't fool around." Embry joked. Evie rolled her eyes.

"Please," she scoffed. "I'll surely be the one to look after you," she said, heading to the door. She heard her mother laughed as Embry catched her up.

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