Chapter 24

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A/N: please read the author note at the end of this chapter, I need your opinion about a few things.

Also, I am sorry if I post chapter later than usual. I have started University and I am a little busy. But I'll keep updating nevertheless the less!

Now enjoy this chapter!

"Thanks God you are finally back!" Sue exclaimed as she managed to engulf her three children in a tight embrace. "I was so worried," she sobbed.

Evie and the Black pack went back to Billy's house where Sue, and Ahiga and Tala Ross were waiting too. It had been days since none of Jacob, Evie, Leah, Seth, Sarah, and Aaron went back home. They had been made aware of the situation but knew they could not do anything but wait and hope everything would end up well. And now that they were all back and safe, their fear and anxiety could finally we let go of.

"Next time you leave the house without telling us, you'll be into deep trouble. More than you already are," Tala scoled her two children, Sarah and Aaron. Tala was a tall woman with beautiful long jet black hair put into a braid.

"It was my idea," Sarah said. "Aaron just followed to make sure I was okay," she took the blame.

"Bullshit," Aaron shook his head. "I could have dissuaded her but I chose to follow her,"

"You two did well," Ahiga said with a soft smile. He was slightly shorter than Tala but quite well built. "But next time, tell us before hand. It would avoid extra worry,"

"Stop putting yourself into such situations," Sue scolded. "You'll be the death of me!"

"We didn't have a choice, mom," Seth tried to reasoned. "We couldn't let Sam kill Bella!"

Sue sighed.

"I know. And your father would be proud of you three," she smiled, quite proud actually. It would be an understatment to say the Clearwater children were moved by what their mother said. She was more comfortable to talk about their father. "Just... be careful,"

"What about we get inside to talk?" Billy asked.

They all headed inside. They all managed to fit into the living room. Some were on the couch, others on the floor or on chairs.

"So you've claimed your birthright," Billy told his son, proudly.

"Yeah," Jacob nodded. "It was the only thing to do,"

"What exactly happened?" Ahiga asked. "Sam only told us the Cullens were endangering us all and that all of you betrayed him,"

"Well, it's more complex than that," Embry said.

"Bella got pregnant of Edward," Evie said, shocking the elders. "A half-human, half-vampire baby. Sam thought the baby would be a threat to the world and wanted to kill Bella before the birthing,"

"But we could not be sure of anything," Jacob continued. "So we could not let him kill her. We left the pack, created our own and sided with the Cullens. But the birthing happened sooner than expected. Sam decided to attack. We fought but Jay imprinted on the baby,"

"Jay?!" Tala exclaimed, shocked. "Quil's younger brother?!"

"Yeah," Aaron nodded. "And imprintees cannot be harmed. So it put an end to the conflict,"

"Who would have thought...," Billy muttered to himself.

"What happened to Bella?" Sue asked, stressed. Being close to Charlie, she surely didn't want his only daughter to be dead. It would crush him. He would never recover. And she didn't want that to happen.

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